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Name is not defined for all the info-tooltips present on the page. #88013

Open msftedad opened 2 weeks ago

msftedad commented 2 weeks ago

What happened?

Name & role is not defined for ‘More info’ control, due to which screen reader is just narrating as ‘Group’ for it.

What did you expect to happen?

Appropriate name should be defined for the control such as ‘More information about xxxxxxx’.

Role should be defined as ‘Button’.

Help text present for ‘More info’ control should be visible only on pressing enter & screen reader should also narrate the same on pressing enter.

Did this work before?


How do we reproduce it?

1.Open the URL Grafana Play Home - Dashboards - Grafana in edge dev browser.

2.’Grafana Play Home-Dashboards Grafana’ page will open.

3.Navigate to ‘Home’ link & select it.

  1. Navigate to ‘Alerting’ link present in ‘Feature show cases’ section & activate it.

5.’Alerting’ page will open.

6.Turn on Narrator using ‘Ctrl+Windows+Enter’ keys.

7.Navigate to ‘More info’ (i) button via tab key & observe the screen reader narration

Is the bug inside a dashboard panel?

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Environment (with versions)?

Grafana: v11.1.0-69051 (9d44c8e8cf) OS: Version 24H2 (OS Build 26100.1) Browser: Version 125.0.2506.0 (Official build) dev (64-bit)

Grafana platform?



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