grafana / grafonnet

Jsonnet library for generating Grafana dashboards.
Apache License 2.0
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Using grizzly #152

Closed NicoAdrian closed 6 months ago

NicoAdrian commented 6 months ago

Can grafonnet be used with grizzly ? I can an error when trying to use the grr preview command: FATA[0000] recursion did not resolve in a valid Kubernetes object. In path '.' found key 'schemaVersion' of type 'float64' instead.

Any idea ?

malcolmholmes commented 6 months ago

You also need to use it with to wrap the grafonnet object in a k8s style object.

NicoAdrian commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the swift answer.

I just installed it using jb install Is it the right way ?

My dashboard.jsonnet looks like this:

local grafonnet = import '';'My Dashboard')

Can you please provide me an example of how to "wrap" the grafonnet object ?

NicoAdrian commented 6 months ago

I did this:

local grafonnet = import '';
local grizzly = import 'grizzly/grizzly.libsonnet';

grizzly.fromPrometheusKsonnet('My Dashboard'))

But when running this command jsonnet -J vendor dashboard.jsonnet I get this error:

RUNTIME ERROR: Field does not exist: grafanaDashboards
    vendor/grizzly/grizzly.libsonnet:11:30-52   thunk from <object <anonymous>>
    vendor/grizzly/grafana.libsonnet:14:31-41   thunk from <function <anonymous>>
    <std>:1539:24-25    thunk from <function <anonymous>>
    <std>:1539:5-33 function <anonymous>
    vendor/grizzly/grafana.libsonnet:14:14-42   function <anonymous>
    vendor/grizzly/grizzly.libsonnet:11:14-70   object <anonymous>
    Field "grafana"
    During manifestation
NicoAdrian commented 6 months ago

I managed to make it work with this:

local g = import '';
local grizzly = import 'grizzly/grizzly.libsonnet';"Test",'My Dashboard'))
joanlopez commented 6 months ago

For future readers, some time ago I created minimal working example of Grafonnet in combination with Grizzly, which is available here:

NicoAdrian commented 6 months ago

@joanlopez Maybe you can help me on this one:

With the previous grafonnet version grafonnet-lib, I could specify the grafana folder I wanted my dashboards to be pushed to with grizzly.

  grafanaDashboardFolder:: 'SomeFolder',
  grafanaDashboards:: {
    foo: import 'myDashboard.libsonnet',

Now, with the new Grafonnet here, I can't find a way to do the same thing. What am I missing ?

joanlopez commented 6 months ago

As far as I can tell, it looks like grafanaDashboardFolder is still being used in combination with grafanaDashboards (see, but that's Grizzly bits, so I'm not sure how the interoperability between that and the new Grafonnet might have been affected.

I think that's a better question for either @Duologic or @malcolmholmes. Sorry for not being to shed some light! 🙏🏻

malcolmholmes commented 6 months ago

You set a folder metadata element on your k8s style object. Perhaps there is also a withFolder function in the grizzly lib?