this is my promtail segment of the default loki-stack yaml file.
enabled: true
logLevel: info
serverPort: 3101
- url: http://{{ .Release.Name }}:3100/loki/api/v1/push
- job_name: 'my_service' # Name of the job
scrape_interval: 10s # Scrape this job every 10 seconds
- targets: ['localhost'] # Target to scrape metrics from
- job_name: audit-logs
- localhost
job: audit_logs
__path__: /var/log/audit/*
running: kubectl exec -it -n prometheus-grafana promtail-2fh4z -- sh
this is my etc/promtail/promtail.yaml.
Why is this different from the --values (or -f) yaml file that i passed in? (particularly the promtail config portion.)
I am trying to use promtail to push custom audit logs from all the nodes. But it is only pushing certain var/log/pods log files. Any help is appreciated.
Hi, i am running
helm upgrade loki --namespace=prometheus-grafana grafana/loki-stack -f loki-stack-value.yaml
this is my promtail segment of the default loki-stack yaml file.
running: kubectl exec -it -n prometheus-grafana promtail-2fh4z -- sh this is my etc/promtail/promtail.yaml. Why is this different from the --values (or -f) yaml file that i passed in? (particularly the promtail config portion.)
I am trying to use promtail to push custom audit logs from all the nodes. But it is only pushing certain var/log/pods log files. Any help is appreciated.