How to update any specific config parameter for all the tenants at a time at runtime.
For example I need to update max_total_query_length to 12h for tenant-a and max_total_query_length to 24h for rest of all the tenants. How can I setup this in runtime config?
I have tried using "*" but it is not working. It is working for the specific tenant not for all the tenants.
How to update any specific config parameter for all the tenants at a time at runtime. For example I need to update max_total_query_length to 12h for tenant-a and max_total_query_length to 24h for rest of all the tenants. How can I setup this in runtime config?
I have tried using "*" but it is not working. It is working for the specific tenant not for all the tenants.
overrides: '*': compactor_blocks_retention_period: 10d ingestion_rate: 0 max_global_series_per_user: 300 max_total_query_length: 24h "tenant-a": compactor_blocks_retention_period: 60d ingestion_rate: 0 max_global_series_per_user: 10000 max_total_query_length: 12h