grafana / kubernetes-app

A set of dashboards and panels for kubernetes.
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'K8s container' dashboard pod filtering is broken in case of many pods #21

Open BushnevYuri opened 6 years ago

BushnevYuri commented 6 years ago

Looks like pod filtering doesn't work in case you have many pods in the cluster and be default filtering tries to request everything. As it is done via GET request, it can no be handled well and fails with errors like:

Annotation Query Failed
{"data":null,"status":-1,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"jsonpCallbackParam":"callback","url":"api/annotations","params":{"from":1526539366174,"to":1526541166174,"dashboardId":19},"retry":0,"headers":{"X-Grafana-Org-Id":1,"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*"}},"statusText":"","xhrStatus":"abort"}

Unexpected error

To reproduce: create the cluster with few hundreds of pods and open the 'K8s container' dashboard.

Workaround: limit a scope of pods by selecting the small time range, specific application, node and overwrite this dashboard. However, as this dashboard comes with the plugin, it will be reverted after next redeployment or plugin update => still will be nice to have some better fix.