grafana / kubernetes-app

A set of dashboards and panels for kubernetes.
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How to configure kubernetes cluster #87

Open bittu664 opened 4 years ago

bittu664 commented 4 years ago

Hello, @all I want to ask a question that how to configure the Kubernetes cluster with this Kubernetes plugin. k899

cbluth commented 4 years ago


  1. ignore that page.

  2. extract the certificate keys from your KUBECONFIG with base64 -d

  3. go to configure a new "datasource"

  4. configure a new kubernetes datasource

  5. in the new datasource, use "TLS Client Auth"

  6. paste in the keys from step 2

  7. done

see here:

bittu664 commented 4 years ago

I do not have #Client Cert and #Client Key. FYI I am using Digital ocean Kubernetes cluster when I am run this 2 command cat ~/.kube/config | grep client-certificate-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d cat ~/.kube/config | grep client-key-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d it shows me nothing only show the #CA Cert, so what should I do now. But it works on only that cluster which is created manually just like kops etc.

baifuwa commented 4 years ago

I do not have #Client Cert and #Client Key. FYI I am using Digital ocean Kubernetes cluster when I am run this 2 command cat ~/.kube/config | grep client-certificate-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d cat ~/.kube/config | grep client-key-data | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | base64 -d it shows me nothing only show the #CA Cert, so what should I do now. But it works on only that cluster which is created manually just like kops etc.

try "Skip TLS Veryify"

adacaccia commented 4 years ago

Hello, any news on this? I've only got "certificate-authority-data" on my KUBECONFIG, so I've decoded it with "base64 -d" as "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [...] -----END CERTIFICATE----", then copied this data to the TLS Cert field which appeared after selecting "With CA Cert" in the Kubernetes Datasource page. But no luck! The dashboards show errors and remain empty.

Please advise on a proper and general way to configure of a Kubernetes cluster metrics' with Grafana 7.

maozhihui commented 3 years ago

add a new cluster, what is the mean of name?