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Docs feedback: /docs/sources/send-data/promtail/stages/ #13142

Open Feuermurmel opened 3 months ago

Feuermurmel commented 3 months ago

I think the following sentence is incorrect:

The pack stage is a transform stage which lets you embed extracted values and labels into the log line by packing the log line and labels inside a JSON object.

In my tests, I was unable to insert a label into the packed JSON object, while inserting a value from the extraction map works.

I'm using the following pipeline, which inserts the entry foo_extraction_map = hello-1 into the extraction map and the entry foo_labels = hello-2 into the labels:

- url: http://localhost

- job_name: test
    - template:
        source: extraction_map_entry
        template: hello-1
    - static_labels:
        labels_entry: hello-2
    - pack:
        labels: [extraction_map_entry, labels_entry]

The produced log line (when running with --dry-run) looks like this:

2024-06-05T17:04:24.885895196+0200  {labels_entry="hello-2"}    {"extraction_map_entry":"hello-1","_entry":"hello"}

This means that pack was able to "see" extraction_map_entry from the extraction map, but not labels_entry from the labels.

derek-cadzow commented 2 months ago

@Feuermurmel is this a doc or a code bug? And which document did you see this sentence in? (URL?)

Feuermurmel commented 2 months ago

is this a doc or a code bug?

I don't know. I did not find enough guidance in the Promtail docs to figure out what the general concepts are, e.g. behind the separation of the extraction map and labels, which stages and other parts of the configuration (e.g. relabeling) affect which, etc. I think the docs are unclear or ambiguous in many places when it comes to data transformation in Promtail.

I think what would help would be:

And which document did you see this sentence in? (URL?)

It's this page:

I got here by clicking on "Contribute to docs" on the bottom of the page. This automatically placed the file name in the title. I hoped that would be enough context.