grafana / loki

Like Prometheus, but for logs.
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Grafana loki deploys sometimes with a bad read pod #15191

Open someStrangerFromTheAbyss opened 4 days ago

someStrangerFromTheAbyss commented 4 days ago

When deploying grafana loki in Simple Scalable with multiple read pods set in a kubernetes cluster, you sometimes end with a loki read pod that cannot execute any queries. This problem reflect in Grafana by a 504 Gateway timeout similar to this issue and is also linked to the 499 nginx issue found here

Expected behavior Grafana loki should deploy no problem and should have a "tainted" read pods for no reason


How to replicate:

auth_enabled: false
  compactor_address: 'http://loki-backend:3100'
  path_prefix: /var/loki
  replication_factor: 1
      account_key: CREDENTIALS
      account_name: CREDENTIALS
      container_name: loki
      request_timeout: 30s
      use_federated_token: false
      use_managed_identity: false
  compaction_interval: 10m
  delete_request_cancel_period: 24h
  delete_request_store: azure
  retention_delete_delay: 2h
  retention_delete_worker_count: 150
  retention_enabled: true
  working_directory: /tmp
  scheduler_address: ""
  tail_proxy_url: ""
  scheduler_address: ""
  mode: simple
  chunk_idle_period: 30m
  chunk_target_size: 1572864
  flush_check_period: 15s
    replay_memory_ceiling: 1024MB
  allow_structured_metadata: true
  ingestion_burst_size_mb: 30
  ingestion_rate_mb: 30
  ingestion_rate_strategy: local
  max_cache_freshness_per_query: 10m
  max_chunks_per_query: 100
  max_concurrent_tail_requests: 100
  max_entries_limit_per_query: 1000
  max_global_streams_per_user: 50000
  max_label_names_per_series: 17
  max_line_size_truncate: false
  max_query_parallelism: 128
  max_query_series: 50
  max_streams_matchers_per_query: 100
  per_stream_rate_limit: 5Mb
  per_stream_rate_limit_burst: 20Mb
  query_timeout: 300s
  reject_old_samples: true
  reject_old_samples_max_age: 168h
  retention_period: 14d
    desired_rate: 3000000
    enabled: true
  split_queries_by_interval: 1h
  tsdb_max_bytes_per_shard: 2GB
  tsdb_max_query_parallelism: 2048
  volume_enabled: true
  - loki-memberlist
  enabled: false
  align_queries_with_step: true
  alertmanager_url: SECRET
  enable_alertmanager_v2: true
  enable_api: true
      account_key: CREDENTIAL
      account_name: CREDENTIAL
      container_name: loki
      request_timeout: 30s
      use_federated_token: false
      use_managed_identity: false
    type: azure
  file: /etc/loki/runtime-config/runtime-config.yaml
  - from: "2024-07-29"
      period: 24h
      prefix: index_
    object_store: azure
    schema: v13
    store: tsdb
  grpc_listen_port: 9095
  grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: 60000000
  grpc_server_max_send_msg_size: 60000000
  http_listen_port: 3100
  http_server_idle_timeout: 600s
  http_server_read_timeout: 600s
  http_server_write_timeout: 600s
  log_level: debug
    at: 250ms
    max_per_second: 20
    up_to: 3
      log_gateway_requests: true
      server_address: dns+loki-backend-headless.6723a512e7641cd9c37269ed.svc.cluster.local:9095
  enabled: true
- If you have no query problems, redeploy using helm upgrade. Do the process multiple times (can take 1 time or it can 20)
- At some point, you will get a "bad deploymend" and one of the read pods will no longer be able to make queries

**Screenshots, Promtail config, or terminal output**

So at first, i thought my problem was linked to the previously mentionned issue and it might be linked to what some users are facing since this problem does end up with 504 Gateway timeout when it happens. It does also make this error in our nginx pods that is linked to our ingress:

` - - [28/Nov/2024:20:59:22 +0000] "GET /loki/api/v1/labels?start=1732826612721000000&end=1732827512721000000 HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "Grafana/11.1.3" 3985 49.972 [6723a512e7641cd9c37269ed-loki-read-3100] [] 0 49.971 - 8ee94e8c2e23c4261ecbd3e8c037d4bb`

In this case, the bad pod being among my 3 read pods. So seing this error, i tried:

- upgrading to latest version of cilium, now being 1.16.4. Did not help on the issue
- Looking at some threads around github, i tried to set:
  enabled: true
  terminatePodConnections: true

on my cilium setup, it did not help
- I removed the old index config attached to my grafana loki (boltdb-shipper) and keep only the tsdb_shipper. It did not help.

I then tried to execute the query directly in the pod. Using port forwarding, i then executed the following request to the "tainted" read pod:



This result in a request that just returned...nothing. I waited 30 minutes and POSTMAN and only got this log line confirming the pod received the query:

`level=info ts=2024-11-29T15:58:49.425174467Z caller=roundtrip.go:364 org_id=fake traceID=761b6d90af6ae5c8 msg="executing query" type=range query="{ubi_project_id=\"27edfc6c-eb78-4790-a6c8-ed82a0478f7c\"} |= ``" start=2024-11-29T13:17:12.897Z end=2024-11-29T14:17:12.897Z start_delta=2h41m36.528171657s end_delta=1h41m36.528171836s length=1h0m0s step=2000 query_hash=2028412130`

When trying the same request to a different pod on the same helm release, i get the correct http response:

And i can see the grafana loki logs telling me the query was a success.

If you do query through grafana, at some point, you will hit the bad pod and result in either EOF error or a 504 gateway timeout. I already posted the nginx eror log, see above.

**How to fix**

This is a temporary fix, but the only known workaround is to simply restart the read pods. Thats it. If you redo a helm upgrade, there is a chance that the same scenario repeats itself. This should not be a problem and at this point, i almost certain its a Loki problem and not a networking problem. Although, if some Grafana loki dev could help me find a way to check what my read pod is missing or why its in a bad state, ill take any suggestion.
JStickler commented 1 day ago

Deploy with the following 3 read pods, 1 backend pod,1 write pod and 1 gateway pod.

Curious why you aren't following the recommendations from the documentation which is for 3 read, 3 write, 3 backend components? My suspicion is that only having a single Query Scheduler and a single Index Gateway may be part of the problem here, as those support the Read components during querying.

someStrangerFromTheAbyss commented 1 day ago

Yeah i just added that last friday to our DEV/QA ENV and the bad Read pod problems seems to dissapear. I havent updated the issue since i want client confirmation that the fix works.

However, should't work even with one backend pod ? Also, it seems many users also has the 499 bug like mentionned in the other issues. I assume they have the same issue. If its necessary for loki to have more then 1 backend pod, should't the app stop working if it has 1 instance of a backend ?

JStickler commented 1 day ago

If its necessary for loki to have more then 1 backend pod, should't the app stop working if it has 1 instance of a backend ?

Not necessarily. From my understanding of Kubernetes (I'm a technical writer, not a developer or SysAdmin), you might be scaling up or down, upgrading, pods might be restarting. The idea of having more than one pod is to allow for fluctuations in the number of running pods so that the system stays up if one pod goes down for some reason. It also helps balance the load if there's more work than one pod can handle.