grafana / loki

Like Prometheus, but for logs.
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Missing logs in Loki #4941

Open pvlltvk opened 2 years ago

pvlltvk commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I use Fluent Bit which sends logs from my Kubernetes nodes to Loki and Newrelic simultaneously. I found out that some logs that I could find in Newrelic were missing in Loki. I also can find those missing logs on my Kubernetes nodes or using kubectl logs.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Started Loki Distributed v2.4.1 with S3 and BoltDB Shipper backend
  2. Started Fluent Bit v1.8.6

Expected behavior I expect all logs to be available in Loki.


Screenshots, Promtail config, or terminal output My Loki config:

Click to expand ``` auth_enabled: false server: http_listen_port: 3100 grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: 104857600 grpc_server_max_send_msg_size: 104857600 distributor: ring: kvstore: store: memberlist memberlist: join_members: - loki-loki-distributed-memberlist ingester: lifecycler: ring: kvstore: store: memberlist replication_factor: 3 chunk_idle_period: 1h chunk_target_size: 1536000 max_chunk_age: 1h max_transfer_retries: 0 wal: enabled: true dir: /var/loki/wal replay_memory_ceiling: 2GB limits_config: enforce_metric_name: false reject_old_samples: true reject_old_samples_max_age: 168h max_cache_freshness_per_query: 10m retention_period: 2232h retention_stream: - selector: '{cluster_name="staging"}' priority: 1 period: 168h schema_config: configs: - from: 2021-11-18 store: boltdb-shipper object_store: aws schema: v11 index: prefix: loki_index_ period: 24h storage_config: aws: bucketnames: loki-logging-data endpoint: region: eu-central-1 access_key_id: access_key_id secret_access_key: secret_access_key insecure: false boltdb_shipper: active_index_directory: /var/loki/index shared_store: s3 cache_location: /var/loki/cache index_gateway_client: server_address: dns:///loki-loki-distributed-index-gateway:9095 index_queries_cache_config: redis: endpoint: loki-redis-node-0.loki-redis-headless:26379,loki-redis-node-1.loki-redis-headless:26379,loki-redis-node-2.loki-redis-headless:26379 master_name: loki expiration: 6h db: 0 password: password timeout: 1000ms chunk_store_config: chunk_cache_config: redis: endpoint: loki-redis-node-0.loki-redis-headless:26379,loki-redis-node-1.loki-redis-headless:26379,loki-redis-node-2.loki-redis-headless:26379 master_name: loki expiration: 6h db: 1 password: password timeout: 1000ms querier: query_timeout: 5m max_concurrent: 48 query_range: # make queries more cache-able by aligning them with their step intervals align_queries_with_step: true max_retries: 5 # parallelize queries in 15min intervals split_queries_by_interval: 15m cache_results: true results_cache: cache: redis: endpoint: loki-redis-node-0.loki-redis-headless:26379,loki-redis-node-1.loki-redis-headless:26379,loki-redis-node-2.loki-redis-headless:26379 master_name: loki expiration: 6h db: 2 password: password timeout: 1000ms frontend_worker: frontend_address: loki-loki-distributed-query-frontend-grpclb:9095 parallelism: 12 frontend: log_queries_longer_than: 5s compress_responses: true tail_proxy_url: loki-loki-distributed-querier:3100 compactor: retention_enabled: true ```

My fluent-bit config:

Click to expand ``` [SERVICE] Flush 1 Daemon Off Log_Level warn Parsers_File parsers.conf Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 2020 storage.path /var/log/fluent-storage/ storage.sync normal storage.checksum off storage.backlog.mem_limit 16M storage.metrics on [INPUT] Name tail Path /var/log/containers/*.log Parser docker Tag kube.* Skip_Long_Lines On Mem_Buf_Limit 64M storage.type filesystem [INPUT] Name systemd Tag host.* Read_From_Tail On Mem_Buf_Limit 16M storage.type filesystem [FILTER] Name record_modifier Match * Record cluster_name infra Record environment infra [FILTER] Name record_modifier Match host.* Record log_type system [FILTER] Name record_modifier Match kube.* Record log_type kubernetes [FILTER] Name kubernetes Match kube.* Merge_Log On Keep_Log Off K8S-Logging.Parser On K8S-Logging.Exclude On [OUTPUT] Name loki Match kube.* host port 443 tls on tls.verify on labels $cluster_name, $environment, $log_type, $kubernetes['namespace_name'], $kubernetes['container_name'] storage.total_limit_size 512M Retry_Limit False workers 1 [OUTPUT] Name loki Match host.* host port 443 tls on tls.verify on labels $cluster_name, $environment, $log_type storage.total_limit_size 512M Retry_Limit False workers 1 [OUTPUT] Name nrlogs Match * license_key ${API_KEY} storage.total_limit_size 512M Retry_Limit False workers 1 ```

There are also some errors from the Loki ingester service:

msg="failed to flush user" err="RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Put \"\": http: server closed idle connection"
msg="failed to flush user" err="RequestCanceled: request context canceled\ncaused by: context deadline exceeded"
msg="failed to flush user" err="RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Put \"\": http: server closed idle connection"
rlex commented 2 years ago

using minio by any chance?

DrissiReda commented 2 years ago

Same problem, using minio.

pvlltvk commented 2 years ago

@rlex @DrissiReda Sorry, I forgot to give an update. I don't use Minio. In my case the problem was solved by replacing Fluent Bit with Promtail.

DrissiReda commented 2 years ago

Didn't you figure out the problem with fluentbit? because that's what I'm using but I can't change it since I use it for other stuff

pvlltvk commented 2 years ago

@DrissiReda No, I didn't. Maybe I'll test it again when i have more time.

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

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korenlev commented 2 years ago

seeing the same with latest loki and latest fluentbit , per doc 'loki output' config, and lots of lots of missing logs

Ruppsn commented 2 years ago

We have the same situation. With promtail we see all logs, with fluentbit-loki we are missing some. It seams to me that some streams are broken after some time

irizzant commented 2 years ago


data-dude commented 2 years ago

I'm running Loki 2.6.1 and Fluentbit 1.9.5 and I'm missing logs. There are no error messages. Sometimes they are there and sometimes they aren't. I guess the workaround is to use promtail. Unfortunately promtail uses a lot of CPU at times. oh well

My workaround is to use the fluent-bit-loki-plugin

nlnjnj commented 2 years ago

Have the same situation.

chadgeary commented 1 year ago

seeing the same. fluentbit->cloudwatch/loki; cloudwatch has everything, loki does not.

maxramqvist commented 1 year ago

Same or similar, we run latest Loki and a fluent-bit (also promtail) with Minio as storage... But in our case different Loki instances return different data. Consistently the same data from the same Loki-instance, though.

khanh96le commented 1 year ago

Seeing a similar issue. Vector --> ElasticSearch/Loki. ElasticSearch has full logs, Loki does not

tkblack commented 1 year ago

Similar problem. I use efk and grafana loki with filesystem as storage. ElasticSearch has full logs, but grafana loki display 2h old logs only. Loki version: 2.6.1

suckatrash commented 8 months ago

I came across this issue having a similar problem with Vector.

We have a set of hosts sending logs from just a few services, and two of those hosts are test hosts where not much is logged. It seems like the two quiet hosts disappear entirely after a while (a query with {host="foo"} has no recent hits), while the ones that generate more frequent logs remain query-able.

Looking at the errors in the original report, it seems like Loki closes idle connections after a while so that clients need to reestablish the connection after a certain period of idleness? Maybe there's a client-side setting that will periodically wake up the connection.

satyamsundaram commented 6 months ago

Similar problem. We use fluent-bit to send logs to both fluentd and loki. Fluentd has all the logs but loki is missing some. There are no error logs in either Loki or Fluent-bit related to this. Has anybody found the issue or fixed this without switching to promtail for log collection?