Closed firepro20 closed 2 years ago
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same issue with me
I managed to resolve the issue by specifying in loki-values.yaml temp directories in order to bypass the affected directory and boot up the container to manually clean the corrupted file.
I also updated the loki file to the latest date.
- from: "2022-08-18"
store: boltdb-shipper
object_store: filesystem
schema: v11
period: 24h
prefix: index_
directory: /data/loki/index
active_index_directory: /data/loki/boltdb-shipper-active/temp
cache_location: /data/loki/boltdb-shipper-cache/temp
cache_ttl: 24h
shared_store: filesystem
directory: /data/loki/chunks
After I cleaned the offending file / directory, I checked the system mount storage through df
command and noticed it was full. I cleaned the /data directory A cleanup for /data mount has been proposed and is currently in review.
Once the container was backup and grafana/loki was running again, I set the directory paths back to their original value, removing /temp
and redeployed.
I currently have a downed pod which was generated through a helm install of loki. The helm install created a statefulset that controls the loki pod instances. The pod is getting stuck in a back-off restarting failed container state. This is the log from the loki-0 pod:
This is the loki-values.yaml file:
I tried to execute a bash command to delete the affected directory /data/loki/boltdb-shipper-active/index_19128/ by adding command arguments in the pod yaml configuration however I was not allowed to modify the spec container of the pod directory as it was resulting in an error.
loki-0 pod yaml:
Disclaimer: I am quite new at Kubernetes and YAML configuration but I am learning!