Closed wangjinxiang0522 closed 2 months ago
/cortex.Ingester/MetricsForLabelMatchers time consumption
Steps to reproduce the behavior: version: 2.11.0 Kubernetes mimir-distributed
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
image: repository: tag: r281-93e069f pullPolicy: IfNotPresent global: dnsService: "coredns" # extraEnvFrom: # - secretRef: # name: mimir-bucket-secret podAnnotations: bucketSecretVersion: "0" # This turns of the built-in MinIO support minio: enabled: false nginx: enabled: false gateway: enabledNonEnterprise: true nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring replicas: 2 nginxConfig: accessLogEnabled: false nginx: config: enableIPv6: false verboseLogging: false image: registry: repository: monitor/ tag: 1.25-alpine pullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: legacyPorts: null resources: limits: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "200m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "1800MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" ingester: replicas: 10 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring zoneAwareReplication: enabled: false env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3686MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "1" - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT value: "6831" - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE value: const - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM value: "1" resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "1" requests: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "200m" autoscaling: enabled: true minReplicas: 3 maxReplicas: 10 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80 native-histograms-ingestion-enabled: true persistentVolume: enabled: true size: 60Gi storageClass: "monitoring-openebs-hostpath" # storageClass: "monitoring-ceph-sc" memcachedExporter: enabled: true image: repository: tag: v0.14.3 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent memcached: image: repository: tag: 1.6.25-alpine pullPolicy: IfNotPresent admin-cache: enabled: true replicas: 2 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "8Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "7372MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" chunks-cache: enabled: true replicas: 4 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "8Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "7372MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT value: "6831" - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE value: const - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM value: "1" index-cache: enabled: true replicas: 4 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "8Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "7372MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" metadata-cache: enabled: true nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "1" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "900MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "1" results-cache: enabled: true replicas: 4 allocatedMemory: 1024 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "8Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "7372MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT value: "6831" - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE value: const - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM value: "1" distributor: replicas: 6 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" querier: replicas: 5 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" # extraEnvFrom: # - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST # value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local # - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT # value: "6831" # - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE # value: const # - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM # value: "1" query_frontend: replicas: 2 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT value: "6831" - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE value: const - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM value: "1" ruler: replicas: 2 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" alertmanager: nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring persistentVolume: enabled: true size: 8Gi storageClass: "monitoring-openebs-hostpath" # storageClass: "monitoring-ceph-sc" replicas: 2 resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" statefulSet: enabled: true env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" store_gateway: replicas: 2 zoneAwareReplication: enabled: false nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "700m" persistentVolume: enabled: true size: 8Gi storageClass: "monitoring-openebs-hostpath" # storageClass: "monitoring-ceph-sc" # extraEnvFrom: # - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST # value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local # - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT # value: "6831" # - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE # value: const # - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM # value: "1" compactor: replicas: 2 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "200m" persistentVolume: enabled: true size: 18Gi storageClass: "monitoring-openebs-hostpath" # storageClass: "monitoring-ceph-sc" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" overrides_exporter: enabled: true replicas: 2 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" query_scheduler: enabled: true replicas: 2 nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST value: mc-collector-ta-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local - name: JAEGER_AGENT_PORT value: "6831" - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE value: const - name: JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM value: "1" rollout_operator: enabled: true #image: #imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent image: repository: tag: v0.13.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent nodeSelector: node-type: monitoring resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi limits: memory: "4Gi" cpu: "2" env: - name: GOMEMLIMIT value: "3684MiB" - name: GOMAXPROCS value: "2" mimir: structuredConfig: multitenancy_enabled: false common: storage: backend: s3 s3: endpoint: secret_access_key: minio # This is a secret injected via an environment variable access_key_id: minio # This is a secret injected via an environment variable insecure: true # Uncomment when using Grafana Enterprise Metrics # admin_client: # storage: # s3: # bucket_name: my-admin-bucket # access_key_id: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} # endpoint: # secret_access_key: ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} alertmanager_storage: s3: bucket_name: k8s-mimir-alertmanager blocks_storage: bucket_store: ignore_blocks_within: 20m # 默认10h backend: s3 s3: bucket_name: k8s-mimir ruler_storage: s3: bucket_name: k8s-mimir-rule memberlist: cluster_label: mimir limits: max_global_series_per_user: 0 max_label_name_length: 102400 max_label_value_length: 102400 max_label_names_per_series: 100 ingestion_rate: 10000000000 out_of_order_time_window: 5m ruler_max_rule_groups_per_tenant: 0 querier: query_store_after: 30m max_concurrent: 64 ingester: ring: replication_factor: 3 kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - distributor: ring: kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - remote_timeout: 30s query_scheduler: ring: kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - ruler: query_frontend: address: dns:///mimir-query-frontend.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9095 ring: kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - alertmanager: sharding_ring: kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - compactor: compaction_interval: 10m data_dir: /data/ deletion_delay: 1h first_level_compaction_wait_period: 25m max_closing_blocks_concurrency: 2 max_opening_blocks_concurrency: 4 sharding_ring: kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - store_gateway: sharding_ring: kvstore: store: etcd etcd: endpoints: - - - metaMonitoring: serviceMonitor: # interval: 60s enabled: true namespace: monitoring labels: release: prometheus
Hi,all. How should I adjust the parameters to solve the issue of high time consumption? Thanks.
Going to convert this to a discussion, since it's a request for help rather than reporting an actual bug.
Describe the bug
/cortex.Ingester/MetricsForLabelMatchers time consumption
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior: version: 2.11.0 Kubernetes mimir-distributed
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Hi,all. How should I adjust the parameters to solve the issue of high time consumption? Thanks.