ts=2024-11-22T22:05:30.226594169Z caller=write_read_series.go:407 level=warn test=write-read-series query=sum(max_over_time(mimir_continuous_test_sine_wave_v2[1s])) start=2024-11-21T22:05:40Z end=2024-11-22T22:05:20Z step=20s msg="Failed to execute range query used to find previously written samples" query=sum(max_over_time(mimir_continuous_test_sine_wave_v2[1s])) err="Post \"http://mimir-system-nginx.core-monitoring-metrics.svc:80/prometheus/api/v1/query_range\": dial tcp: lookup mimir-system-nginx.core-monitoring-metrics.svc on no such host"
which makes sense when nginx is not there.
Chart: mimir-distributed, version: 5.5.1.
How to reproduce it?
Configure the Helm chart with nginx diabled.
What did you think would happen?
If the smoke test job depends on nginx, if nginx is disabled, smoke test job should not be deployed.
What was your environment?
Kubernetes 1.31, chart: mimir-distributed, version 5.5.1 with app version 2.14.0.
What is the bug?
smoke test job is failing when nginx is disabled
which makes sense when nginx is not there.
Chart: mimir-distributed, version: 5.5.1.
How to reproduce it?
Configure the Helm chart with nginx diabled.
What did you think would happen?
If the smoke test job depends on nginx, if nginx is disabled, smoke test job should not be deployed.
What was your environment?
Kubernetes 1.31, chart: mimir-distributed, version 5.5.1 with app version 2.14.0.
Any additional context to share?
There should probably be a check here to deploy the smoke test job when nginx is disabled: https://github.com/grafana/mimir/blob/main/operations/helm/charts/mimir-distributed/templates/smoke-test/smoke-test-job.yaml#L1.