grafana / mqtt-datasource

MQTT Datasource for Grafana allows streaming data from any MQTT broker running either locally or remotely.
Apache License 2.0
168 stars 49 forks source link

Most topics are ignored, others are randomly parsed #100

Open zdzichu opened 1 month ago

zdzichu commented 1 month ago


I'm aware there are multitude "does not work"-kind issues already reported, but I believe I'm providing enough data to improve the datasource.

I'm using version v1.0.0-beta.4 with grafana-10.2.6.

I see two issues:

I was able to capture some traffic in Grafana Explorer by subscribing to __HASH__ . At the same time I was running mosquitto_sub on this topic. Here are the results:

This what was being sent:

/sonoff03/dht22/humidity 38.00
/sonoff03/gpio/12 0
/sonoff03/pwm/13 1023
/d1mini04/BH1750/lux 0.00
rtl_433//FT-004B/time 2024-05-17 13:30:55
rtl_433//FT-004B/protocol 92
rtl_433//FT-004B/temperature_C 23.2
/sonoff08/sysinfo/wifi -70.00
/shelly02/events/rpc {"src":"shelly1pmmini-6055f999fdac","dst":"/shelly02/events","method":"NotifyStatus","params":{"ts":1715945460.30,"switch:0":{"id":0,"aenergy":{"by_minute":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"minute_ts":1715945459,"total":1242.654}}}}
/shelly02/status/switch:0 {"id":0, "source":"mqtt", "output":false, "apower":0.0, "voltage":242.9, "freq":50.1, "current":0.000, "aenergy":{"total":1242.654,"by_minute":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"minute_ts":1715945459},"temperature":{"tC":34.8, "tF":94.7}}
/d1mini03/wifi/ -53.00
/sonoff01/wifi/ -34.00

And this is what MQTT datasource was able to understand:



NiklasCi commented 1 month ago

The Problem with the current streaming plugins is that you can't send back series with refid's. We just send each received message on the same query so /all/# results into a big map of values. Because the values do not arrive at the same time you see undefined and null values.

Example: query: /all/#

--> first message on the subscription from /all/device1 with data {"value1": 123} will be stored into the messages array. messages: [{"value1": 123}]

--> second message on the subscription from /all/device2 with data {"value2": 32.1} will be stored into the messages array. messages: [{"value1": 123}, {"value2": 32.1}]

Grafana will create a row for each array index resulting in:

Value1 Value2

where all empty fields will be replaced with undefined/null

zdzichu commented 1 month ago

Sorry for not being clear enough. If I specify topic as /all/device1 or /all/device2 then nothing will be received by Grafana. At least it looks like so, but: Specifying # was to illustrate that data is in fact received. Oh, and those topic receive integer or float values, not a JSON.

NiklasCi commented 1 month ago

Ok now i got it. So it seems none json value support is needed and a fix that topics can start with a /