grafana / opcua-datasource

An OPC UA datasource for reading from OPC UA servers (DA/HDA/AE) into Grafana directly
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Modified signature #42

Closed schall1337 closed 2 years ago

schall1337 commented 2 years ago

Hi, after installing the plugin and restarting Grafana I get the message "Modified signature". Windows 10, Grafana v8.2.5 (b57a137acd) How can i fix this? Cheers

crazycto commented 2 years ago

Yeah, troubleshooting #41 i got that as well...

alydersen commented 2 years ago

@srclosson Is this related to the work done on the last release?

JoeH20 commented 2 years ago

Anytime I modify the grafana.ini file and restart the service the plugin is disabled for "Modified signature".

Currently running Grafana on windows

Are there any updates on this issue?

sleiban commented 2 years ago

@JoeH20 As a workaround untill the next release is ready (hopefully soon now), you can delete the MANIFEST file for the plugin and allow for unsigned plugin.

In Custom.ini, add the following under [plugins] section: allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = grafana-opcua-datasource

srclosson commented 2 years ago

This should now be fixed. Would you try the latest 1.1.5 release and respond back?

JoeH20 commented 2 years ago


Looks like I have the same issue.

sleiban commented 2 years ago

This is strange. How do you install this plugin? Are you cleaning up any existing folders containing this plugin? Do you download from ? Then extract it to C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\data\plugins ?

schall1337 commented 2 years ago

For me the modified signature seems now to be resolved, though when i try to test the plugin as a datasource i get the message "plugin health check failed".

srclosson commented 2 years ago

In that case, something else is usually going on. Have you looked at the logs @schall1337? Another idea is to run the plugin from the command line. In c:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\data\plugins\grafana-opcua-datasource run gpx_opcua_windows_amd64.exe I'd be interested in the output from this.

schall1337 commented 2 years ago

these are the logs @srclosson

t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg="D0218 17:39:58.577926 Check Health Request { \"pluginContext\": { \"orgId\": \"1\", \"pluginId\": \"grafana-opcua-datasource\", \"user\": { \"login\": \"admin\", \"email\": \"admin@localhost\", \"role\": \"Admin\" }, \"dataSourceInstanceSettings\": { \"id\": \"2\", \"name\": \"OPC UA (Unified Architecture)\", \"url\": \"opc.tcp://localhost:12869/osip\", \"jsonData\": \"eyJ0aW1lb3V0IjoxMDAwfQ==\", \"lastUpdatedMS\": \"1645202398000\", \"uid\": \"JULcbDfnk\" } } }" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg="I0218 17:39:58.578099 Creating anonymous session: opc.tcp://localhost:12869/osip" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg="E0218 17:39:58.615450 Error while adding endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:12869/osip: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Server did not return an EndpointDescription that matched the one used to create the secure channel.)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" ---> Opc.Ua.ServiceResultException: Server did not return an EndpointDescription that matched the one used to create the secure channel." logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at Opc.Ua.Client.Session.Open(String sessionName, UInt32 sessionTimeout, IUserIdentity identity, IList1 preferredLocales, Boolean checkDomain)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at Opc.Ua.Client.Session.Create(ApplicationConfiguration configuration, ITransportWaitingConnection connection, ConfiguredEndpoint endpoint, Boolean updateBeforeConnect, Boolean checkDomain, String sessionName, UInt32 sessionTimeout, IUserIdentity identity, IList1 preferredLocales)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" --- End of inner exception stack trace ---" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at System.Threading.Tasks.Task1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at System.Threading.Tasks.Task1.get_Result()" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at Prediktor.UA.Client.SessionFactory.CreateSession(String endpointURL, String sessionName, IUserIdentity user, Boolean useSecurity, Int32 operationTimeout, UInt32 sessionTimeout, Boolean reverseConnect, ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfig)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at Prediktor.UA.Client.SessionFactory.CreateSession(String endpointURL, String sessionName, IUserIdentity user, Boolean useSecurity, Boolean reverseConnect, ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfig)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at Prediktor.UA.Client.SessionFactory.CreateAnonymously(String endpointURL, String sessionName, Boolean useSecurity, Boolean reverseConnect, ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfig)" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=dbug msg=" at plugin_dotnet.Connections.Add(String url) in /drone/src/backend/OpcUAConnection.cs:line 250" logger=plugin.initializer pluginID=grafana-opcua-datasource t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=eror msg="Plugin health check failed" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error="failed to check plugin health: health check failed" remote_addr=[::1] t=2022-02-18T17:39:58+0100 lvl=eror msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin method=GET path=/api/datasources/2/health status=500 remote_addr=[::1] time_ms=55 size=40 referer=http://localhost:3000/datasources/edit/JULcbDfnk

i think this error "Server did not return an EndpointDescription that matched the one used to create the secure channel." causes the issue for me, but seems it has something to do with the opc server not the plugin.

edit: changed in the url the localhost to real ip now it works