Closed dmos62 closed 2 years ago
Hi, Profile cpu, wall-clock and lock at same time is a very important feature provide by async-profiler and not supported in pyroscope. Maybe the work done from @krzysztofslusarski collapse-jfr can be harnessed. Thanks.
For the record, you cannot profile both cpu
and wall-clock
at the same moment. You can profile wall-clock
with JFR
output. In the JFR
you have a thread state, so my tool simply takes the stacktraces with thread state ACTIVE
and dumps them to a separate file. That should be almost the same as CPU
The difference is that you have no kernel frames in wall
mode, so my tool cannot provide them either. You can profile wall,lock,alloc
or cpu,lock,alloc
, or any subset of those.
The parser of JFR is now opensourced:
You can see in my project how to use it's API.
As a workaround you can obtain events in jfr format, convert it to collapsed (with collapse-jfr) and then upload to Pyroscope. This a awful code (I know) but works for me. You have itimer,wall and lock at same time.
# In java app you must start async-profiler in next way:
# -agentpath:/dir/,event=wall,lock,loop=10s,file=/opt/async-profiler/jfr/myserv.myapp.interval.%t.jfr
# for example:
# -agentpath:/opt/async-profiler/build/,event=wall,lock,loop=10s,file=/opt/async-profiler/jfr/lnxhost1.jenkins.100.%t.jfr
if [ ! -d $collapsedfiles ] ; then
mkdir $collapsedfiles
if [ ! -d $jfrerr ] ; then
mkdir $jfrerr
cd $collapsedfiles
while true ; do
if [ ! -n "$(find $jfrfiles -prune -empty)" ] ; then
for jfr in `find $jfrfiles -type f -mmin +1 -exec basename {} \;` ; do
start=$(stat ${jfrfiles}/${jfr} | grep 'Access: [0-9].*' | awk '{print $2 " " $3}')
end=$(stat ${jfrfiles}/${jfr} | grep 'Modify: [0-9].*' | awk '{print $2 " " $3}')
startepoch=$(date -d "${start}" +"%s")
endepoch=$(date -d "${end}" +"%s")
convert=$(java -jar ${basedir}/collapse-jfr-full.jar -f ${jfrfiles}/${jfr} 2>&1)
if [[ ! "${convert}" =~ "at" ]] ; then
host=$(echo $jfr | cut -f 1 -d '.')
app=$(echo $jfr | cut -f 2 -d '.')
interval=$(echo $jfr | cut -f 3 -d '.')
for collapsedfile in `ls $collapsedfiles` ; do
profiling=$(echo $collapsedfile | cut -f 1 -d '.')
httpresponse=$(zcat $collapsedfiles/$collapsedfile | grep -v Unsafe_Park | curl -fsS --write-out %{http_code} --noproxy '*' -X POST --data-binary @- "http://${pyroscopeserv}/ingest?name=${host}.${app}.${profiling}&units=samples&aggregationType=sum&sampleRate=${interval}&from=${startepoch}&until=${endepoch}&spyName=javaspy")
if [ ! $httpresponse -eq 200 ] ; then
rm $collapsedfiles/$collapsedfile
if [ $control -eq 0 ] ; then
rm -f ${jfrfiles}/${jfr}
mv ${jfrfiles}/${jfr} $jfrerr
sleep 10
Then you can put it as service.
Description=Java Profiling Pyroscope
Hopefully the pyroscope team will implement multiple events at some point.
We have added initial support for multiple concurrent event types in #22 and #23 (also and, enabling cpu (one of cpu
, itimer
, wall
events) and memory (alloc
) profiling concurrently (lock
profiling is yet pending). This is built on top of our own JFR parser, integrated into Pyroscope.
Wooow this is very good news!!! Thank you very much @abeaumont for your work and effort in this integration.
I have been testing multievent support. Seems very promising.
Could be possible to add support to wall and cpu event at same time? At this moment we need to choose between cpu/itimer or wall but I think is important this two events are supported simultanoesly.
async-profiler supports that in jfr format.
Thanks a lot for your great work!!!
Best regards.
You cannot do it with async-profiler. Either wall or cpu. But you can use wall with jfr format and in the output you have a thread state. that's how my tool generates CPU collapsed file from wall jfr.
The only big difference I notices is lack of kernel frames in wall mode.
Right, as @krzysztofslusarski says, only one cpu-like (CPU, wall, itimer) event is supported. But that's a nice trick you got there, I guess we could do something similar when wall
is chosen as the event type :ok_hand:
Understood. My mistake.
The challenge will be not to treat it by independent threads as collapse-jfr does. In large applications with thousands of threads, the flamegraph would be unmanageable.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards.
Yes as @apangin in and @krzysztofslusarski said:
"Note that cpu and wall cannot be specified together in -e option. Only one type of an execution event at a time is supported. However, a wall-clock profile includes thread states, so it's possible to extract a CPU profile (samples in a running state only) from a wall-clock output"
Would be great to implement this in pyroscope java-agent.
Thanks a lot and much encouragement. You are doing an incredible job.
Best regards!!!
Support to generate both CPU and wall profile data when wall event is used has been added in
Amazing!!! Thank you very much.
Lock profiling support has been added in #33. With this the support for multiple event types is complete!
async-profiler has support for multiple concurrent event types, but only when using the Java Flight Recorder (JFR) output format. At the moment this Pyroscope integration uses the "collapsed call traces" format, which is also a format accepted by Pyroscope's HTTP API. What this means is that unless other output formats for multiple concurrent event types gain support upstream, this integration has to dump and parse JFR, and then has to split the parsed JFR dump into multiple
s (one per event type, since event type options are specified per Snapshot), which includes coercing the JFR format into a format accepted by Pyroscope, such as the "collapsed call traces" format currently used.To sum up, steps needed to implement this are:
command dumps in string or byte format, there's scripts in async-profiler for converting JFR files to some other formats that we could use for reference;