grafana / pyroscope-rs

Pyroscope Profiler for Rust. Profile your Rust applications.
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panic in cli profiling python #116

Open korniltsev opened 12 months ago

korniltsev commented 12 months ago
sudo ./pyroscope-cli connect --pid=969931 --spy-name=pyspy --server-address="" 
Jul 06 14:10:11.864 INFO we recommend specifying application name via -application-name flag or env variable PYROSCOPE_APPLICATION_NAME, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.864 INFO Profiling with pyspy profiler with application name: pyspy.scattered.card, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.864 INFO Initializing Timer, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.864 INFO Creating SessionManager, who: pyroscope-cli
Press Ctrl-C to exit.
Jul 06 14:10:11.864 INFO Got virtual memory maps from pid 969931:, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.865 INFO Found libpython binary @ /home/korniltsev/.asdf/installs/python/3.11.2/lib/, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.870 INFO Getting version from python binary BSS, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.870 INFO Failed to get version from BSS section: failed to find version string, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.870 INFO Getting version from libpython BSS, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.870 INFO Found matching version string '3.11.2 (main, Apr 14 2023, 13:34:57) [GCC 11.3.0]', who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.870 INFO python version 3.11.2 detected, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.870 INFO got symbol _PyRuntime (0x00007fefa1723c20) from libpython binary, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.871 INFO Found interpreter at 0x00007fefa1732258, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.871 INFO got symbol _PyRuntime (0x00007fefa1723c20) from libpython binary, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:11.871 INFO Found _PyRuntime @ 0x00007fefa1723c20, getting gilstate.tstate_current from offset 0x240, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:20.000 INFO Creating Session, who: pyroscope-cli
Well, this is embarrassing.

pyroscope-cli had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "/tmp/report-e5dd8470-39f1-45aa-bb01-787a19449215.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "pyroscope-cli Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

- Homepage:
- Authors: Abid Omar <>

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
Well, this is embarrassing.

pyroscope-cli had a problem and crashed. To help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report.

We have generated a report file at "/tmp/report-0f93249b-3a81-4f3d-8b7e-ca6dc463d9f1.toml". Submit an issue or email with the subject of "pyroscope-cli Crash Report" and include the report as an attachment.

- Homepage:
- Authors: Abid Omar <>

We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. In order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports.

Thank you kindly!
Jul 06 14:10:30.001 INFO Creating Session, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:30.001 INFO Sending Session: 1688652620 - 1688652630, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:34.012 INFO Creating Session, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:34.012 ERRO Backend shutdown error: Other: Pyspy: Failed to join sampler thread, who: pyroscope-cli
Jul 06 14:10:40.000 INFO Timer thread terminated, who: pyroscope-cli
➜  Downloads cat /tmp/report-0f93249b-3a81-4f3d-8b7e-ca6dc463d9f1.toml
name = 'pyroscope-cli'
operating_system = 'Ubuntu (22.04) (64-bit)'
crate_version = '0.2.7'
explanation = '''
Panic occurred in file '/root/.cargo/registry/src/' at line 218
cause = 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Any { .. }'
method = 'Panic'
backtrace = '''

   0: 0x7fcf00c3b978 - core::ptr::drop_in_place<core::iter::adapters::take_while::TakeWhile<py_spy::sampler::Sampler,<pyroscope_pyspy::Pyspy as pyroscope::backend::backend::Backend>::initialize::{{closure}}::{{closure}}>>::h9e6cfb382b11e5bd
   1: 0x7fcf00c39932 - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::he9bdc12c47038f98
   2: 0x7fcf00c35e4d - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once{{vtable.shim}}::h3e957dfcddeb44b3
   3: 0x7fcf00f486d5 - <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<Args>>::call_once::h4c113e06925f1ce4
                at /rustc/4b91a6ea7258a947e59c6522cd5898e7c0a6a88f/library/alloc/src/
                 - <alloc::boxed::Box<F,A> as core::ops::function::FnOnce<Args>>::call_once::h608f1c6215944669
                at /rustc/4b91a6ea7258a947e59c6522cd5898e7c0a6a88f/library/alloc/src/
                 - std::sys::unix::thread::Thread::new::thread_start::h45bacd01aa7fcc3e
                at /rustc/4b91a6ea7258a947e59c6522cd5898e7c0a6a88f/library/std/src/sys/unix/'''