grafana / pyroscope-rs

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investigate tags implementation for python coroutines #132

Open korniltsev opened 10 months ago

korniltsev commented 10 months ago

currently our tag_wrapper only supports os threads

Bruno-DaSilva commented 10 months ago
# Support async functions with decorator
def profile_tag_wrapper_async(*outer_args, **outer_kwargs):

    def inner_decorator(func):

        async def helper(func, *args, **kwargs):
            if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                return await func(*args, **kwargs)

            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            with pyroscope.tag_wrapper(*outer_args, **outer_kwargs):
                result = await helper(func, *args, **kwargs)

            return result

        return wrapper

    return inner_decorator

Here's an implementation i wrote of a decorator that works for async functions. I'm sure it can be improved, but here it is in case its useful for implementing an async_tag_wrapper (or making the existing one sync compatible)

korniltsev commented 10 months ago

@Bruno-DaSilva Thanks for feedback, appreciate it

Well the problem is that pyroscope.tag_wrapper attaches tags to an os thread And if I understand correctly, there maybe multiple corouines running on the same os threads at a time. example: Lets say we have two coroutines A, B running on OS Thread T

  1. A is executing on thread T and enters tag_wrapper and sets tags controller="A"
  2. A suspends
  3. B is executing on thread T and enters tag_wrapper and sets tag controller="B"
  4. B suspends
  5. A resumes and burn some cpu

Now at step 5 we still have controller=B while the coroutine A is executing

Does it makes sense or am I missing something? If my understanding is correct, then your decorator is likely incorrect for coroutines because of pyroscope.tag_wrapper implementaion

Bruno-DaSilva commented 10 months ago

ah, you're right! Interleaving on the same thread will lead to this behaviour, makes sense.

caspervdw commented 4 months ago

Would it be complex to use contextvars instead of threadlocals for tag_wrapper?

Context managers that have state should use Context Variables instead of threading.local() to prevent their state from bleeding to other code unexpectedly, when used in concurrent code.
