In monolithic deployment, if we enable TLS on the OTLP- GRPC and OTLP-HTTP protocols the statefulset generated by the operator is invalid and cannot be ready due this error:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedCreate 29s (x12 over 40s) statefulset-controller create Pod tempo-simplest-0 in StatefulSet tempo-simplest failed error: Pod "tempo-simplest-0" is invalid: [spec.volumes[4].name: Duplicate value: "custom-ca", spec.volumes[5].name: Duplicate value: "custom-cert", spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[4].mountPath: Invalid value: "/var/run/ca-receiver": must be unique, spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[5].mountPath: Invalid value: "/var/run/tls/receiver": must be unique]
In monolithic deployment, if we enable TLS on the OTLP- GRPC and OTLP-HTTP protocols the statefulset generated by the operator is invalid and cannot be ready due this error:
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