grafana / tutorials

A series of tutorials for helping you make the most out of Grafana.
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Offering contribution to Grafana Apache reverse proxy configuration tutorial #208

Open viktor-nikolov opened 1 year ago

viktor-nikolov commented 1 year ago


I spent most of the afternoon troubleshooting how to run Grafana beyond Apache2 proxy server (in order to access Grafana via HTTPS).

There is no clear tutorial for Apache2. This old discussion topic does not cover configuration for having Grafana in sub-path.

Eventually I managed to get it working by setting domain, root_url and serve_from_sub_path as recommended in the tutorial Run Grafana behind a proxy and doing following Apache configuration:

<VirtualHost *:443>
  ProxyRequests     Off
  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass         /grafana ""
  ProxyPassReverse  /grafana ""

I would like add this into the Run Grafana behind a proxy tutorial. Can somebody give me write access? :smiley:
