grafana / worldmap-panel

Worldmap panel plugin for Grafana 3.0 that can be overlaid with circles for data points.
MIT License
306 stars 200 forks source link

Freeze when data is empty #291

Open Hualin-AUG opened 3 years ago

Hualin-AUG commented 3 years ago

My data source is InfluxDB and I am using InfluxQL to query the data into table. I find that when the query gets nothing in return, it will show a problem

TypeError: Cannot read property 'lat' of null

And then you are not able to drag the map and move around anymore.

amotl commented 3 years ago

Hi Hualin,

can you test with our fork [1] and report back to us whether this will work better? You can find setup instructions at [2].

With kind regards, Andreas.

[1] [2]

Hualin-AUG commented 3 years ago

Hi Andreas,

No it does not work. It is even crashing the page. Actually I am using Grafana Cloud, the way you give me cannot be used on Grafana Cloud. So I try on my local server, but it does not work.



From: Andreas Motl Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 9:42 AM To: grafana/worldmap-panel Cc: Hualin-AUG; Author Subject: Re: [grafana/worldmap-panel] Freeze when data is empty (#291)

Hi Hualin,

can you test with our fork [1] and report back to us whether this will work better? You can find setup instructions at [2].

With kind regards, Andreas.

[1] [2]

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub , or unsubscribe .

amotl commented 3 years ago

Hi Hualin,

thanks for your response. If you are able to create an issue over at [1] and share some more insights about your data, we might be able to look into what you are observing. A minimal reproducible example in order to load a subset of the data you are handling into InfluxDB would be tremendously helpful.

With kind regards, Andreas.


Hualin-AUG commented 3 years ago

Hi Andreas,

Here is error jumping out:

This is the influxDB data (in table format) I get:

Field mapping:

Map data options:

Panel JSON:


"circleMaxSize": "10",

"circleMinSize": "10",

"colors": [








"datasource": "InfluxDB-Cloud-InfluxQL",

"esMetric": "Count",

"fieldConfig": {

"defaults": {

  "custom": {

    "align": null,

    "filterable": false


  "mappings": [],

  "thresholds": {

    "mode": "absolute",

    "steps": [


        "color": "green",

        "value": null



        "color": "red",

        "value": 80





"overrides": []


"gridPos": {

"h": 23,

"w": 12,

"x": 12,

"y": 0


"id": 4,

"initialZoom": "9",

"locationData": "table",

"mapCenter": "custom",

"mapCenterLatitude": "44",

"mapCenterLongitude": "-79",

"maxDataPoints": 1,

"mouseWheelZoom": true,

"pluginVersion": "7.2.2",

"showLegend": true,

"stickyLabels": true,

"tableQueryOptions": {

"geohashField": "geohash",

"labelField": "DeviceID",

"latitudeField": "Latitude",

"longitudeField": "Longitude",

"metricField": "AQI",

"queryType": "coordinates"


"targets": [


  "groupBy": [


      "params": [



      "type": "time"



      "params": [



      "type": "fill"



  "measurement": "Test",

  "orderByTime": "ASC",

  "policy": "default",

  "query": "SELECT last(\"AQI\") AS \"AQI\",\"Latitude\",\"Longitude\" FROM \"Test\" WHERE (\"DeviceID\" = '****') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY \"DeviceID\"",

  "rawQuery": true,

  "refId": "A",

  "resultFormat": "table",

  "select": [



        "params": [



        "type": "field"



        "params": [],

        "type": "mean"




  "tags": [


      "key": "DeviceID",

      "operator": "=",

      "value": "****"





"thresholds": "100,200,300,400,500",

"title": "Panel Title",

"type": "grafana-worldmap-panel",

"valueName": "avg",

"decimals": 0,

"hideEmpty": false,

"hideZero": false,

"timeFrom": null,

"timeShift": null,

"unitPlural": "",

"unitSingle": ""


Panel Data:


"state": "Done",

"series": [


  "fields": [


      "name": "Time",

      "config": {},

      "values": [



      "type": "time",

      "state": {

        "displayName": "Time",

        "scopedVars": {

          "__series": {

            "text": "Series",

            "value": {

              "name": "Series (A)"



          "__field": {

            "text": "Field",

            "value": {}



        "seriesIndex": 0




      "name": "DeviceID",

      "config": {},

      "values": [



      "type": "string",

      "state": {

        "displayName": "DeviceID",

        "scopedVars": {

          "__series": {

            "text": "Series",

            "value": {

              "name": "Series (A)"



          "__field": {

            "text": "Field",

            "value": {}



        "seriesIndex": 1




      "name": "AQI",

      "config": {

        "min": 303,

        "max": 303


      "values": [



      "type": "number",

      "state": {

        "displayName": "AQI",

        "scopedVars": {

          "__series": {

            "text": "Series",

            "value": {

              "name": "Series (A)"



          "__field": {

            "text": "Field",

            "value": {}



        "calcs": {

          "sum": 303,

          "max": 303,

          "min": 303,

          "logmin": 303,

          "mean": 303,

          "last": 303,

          "first": 303,

          "lastNotNull": 303,

          "firstNotNull": 303,

          "count": 1,

          "nonNullCount": 1,

          "allIsNull": false,

          "allIsZero": false,

          "range": 0,

          "diff": 0,

          "delta": 0,

          "step": null,

          "previousDeltaUp": true


        "seriesIndex": 2




      "name": "Latitude",

      "config": {},

      "values": [



      "type": "other",

      "state": {

        "displayName": "Latitude",

        "scopedVars": {

          "__series": {

            "text": "Series",

            "value": {

              "name": "Series (A)"



          "__field": {

            "text": "Field",

            "value": {}



        "seriesIndex": 3




      "name": "Longitude",

      "config": {},

      "values": [



      "type": "other",

      "state": {

        "displayName": "Longitude",

        "scopedVars": {

          "__series": {

            "text": "Series",

            "value": {

              "name": "Series (A)"



          "__field": {

            "text": "Field",

            "value": {}



        "seriesIndex": 4




  "refId": "A",

  "meta": {

    "executedQueryString": "SELECT last(\"AQI\") AS \"AQI\",\"Latitude\",\"Longitude\" FROM \"Test\" WHERE (\"DeviceID\" = '****') AND time >= now() - 6h GROUP BY \"DeviceID\""


  "length": 1



"annotations": [],

"request": {

"app": "dashboard",

"requestId": "Q104",

"timezone": "browser",

"panelId": 4,

"dashboardId": 12,

"range": {

  "from": "2021-01-22T14:20:30.276Z",

  "to": "2021-01-22T20:20:30.276Z",

  "raw": {

    "from": "now-6h",

    "to": "now"



"timeInfo": "",

"interval": "6h",

"intervalMs": 21600000,

"targets": [


    "groupBy": [


        "params": [



        "type": "time"



        "params": [



        "type": "fill"



    "measurement": "Test",

    "orderByTime": "ASC",

    "policy": "default",

    "query": "SELECT last(\"AQI\") AS \"AQI\",\"Latitude\",\"Longitude\" FROM \"Test\" WHERE (\"DeviceID\" = '****') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY \"DeviceID\"",

    "rawQuery": true,

    "refId": "A",

    "resultFormat": "table",

    "select": [



          "params": [



          "type": "field"



          "params": [],

          "type": "mean"




    "tags": [


        "key": "DeviceID",

        "operator": "=",

        "value": "****"



    "datasource": "InfluxDB-Cloud-InfluxQL"



"maxDataPoints": 1,

"scopedVars": {

  "__interval": {

    "text": "6h",

    "value": "6h"


  "__interval_ms": {

    "text": "21600000",

    "value": 21600000


  "interval": {

    "text": "6h",

    "value": "6h"


  "timeFilter": {

    "value": "time >= now() - 6h"



"startTime": 1611346830277,

"rangeRaw": {

  "from": "now-6h",

  "to": "now"


"endTime": 1611346830635


"timeRange": {

"from": "2021-01-22T14:20:30.635Z",

"to": "2021-01-22T20:20:30.635Z",

"raw": {

  "from": "now-6h",

  "to": "now"



"timings": {

"dataProcessingTime": 1.280000084079802



DataFrame structure:



"refId": "A",

"meta": {

  "executedQueryString": "SELECT last(\"AQI\") AS \"AQI\",\"Latitude\",\"Longitude\" FROM \"Test\" WHERE (\"DeviceID\" = '****') AND time >= now() - 6h GROUP BY \"DeviceID\""


"length": 1,

"fields": [


    "name": "Time",

    "config": {},

    "type": "time"



    "name": "DeviceID",

    "config": {},

    "type": "string"



    "name": "AQI",

    "config": {

      "min": 303,

      "max": 303


    "type": "number"



    "name": "Latitude",

    "config": {},

    "type": "other"



    "name": "Longitude",

    "config": {},

    "type": "other"





After I see this error, I can draw map once and it freezes.



From: Andreas Motl Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 10:34 AM To: grafana/worldmap-panel Cc: Hualin-AUG; Author Subject: Re: [grafana/worldmap-panel] Freeze when data is empty (#291)

Hi Hualin,

thanks for your response. If you are able to create an issue over at [1] and share some more insights about your data, we might be able to look into what you are observing. A minimal reproducible example in order to load a subset of the data you are handling into InfluxDB would be tremendously helpful.

With kind regards, Andreas.


— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub , or unsubscribe .

amotl commented 3 years ago

Hi Hualin,

thanks for sharing your dashboard JSON. However, this is not a repro I can reuse easily, please also share some of your data. Therefore, I humbly ask you to

  1. Export a subset of your data into InfluxDB line protocol format, e.g. by using InfluxDB Fetcher [1,2].
  2. Export your dashboard JSON into a .json file.
  3. Upload both into a gist [3].
  4. Create an appropriate issue at our repository fork [4] referencing the gist created in step 3.

Thank you in advance.

With kind regards, Andreas.

[1] [2] [3] [4]

dineshgowdam commented 3 years ago

hi @Hualin-AUG, Actually, I'm facing the same issue right now. Did you solve that issue?