grafana / xk6-output-opentelemetry

A work in progress k6 extension to output real-time test metrics in OpenTelemetry format.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

Making experimental opentelemetry output #1

Open olegbespalov opened 1 month ago

olegbespalov commented 1 month ago


This umbrella task aims to collect all requirements (sub-tasks) needed to make the open telemetry output an experimental output in k6.

### Tasks
- [x] Create an extension repository
- [x] Apply all standards (CI, linter, etc)
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- [x] Histogram support, consider make histogram aggregation configuarble
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OpenTelemetry output is an essential one.

cwegener commented 1 month ago

This is really exciting progress.

May I suggest that the extension should follow the following OpenTelemetry standards:

The terminology is important, because as the extension stands right now, it is a bit confusing to read through the structs and functions in the config.go file because the use incorrect terminology.

olegbespalov commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @cwegener !

Sure, it's a good suggestion, and we'll try to consider it while implementing the Improve output configuration possibility.

Just ensure that I'm getting this statement right:

because as the extension stands right now, it is a bit confusing to read through the structs and functions in the config.go file because the use incorrect terminology.

Do you have concrete renaming examples? I am asking to ensure what the expectations are since some configurations will be coming from K6 (like flushing right now).

cwegener commented 3 weeks ago

The main concern is the term receiver, which is wrong.

I know that the terminology between k6 and OTEL needs to be reconciled. I.e. k6 has the seemingly informal input and output extension terms. So, this extension whilst being a k6 "output" extension makes use of the OpenTelemetry "exporter" components. So, I think it's fine to use the term OTEL Exporter as part of this k6 output extension. Especially considering that the term "export" / "exporting" is already established in many other k6 output plugins.

olegbespalov commented 3 weeks ago

@cwegener yeah, totally makes sense :+1: I've opened intermediate (there will be more configuration-related PRs in the future) which removes controversial term