graft-project / graft-ng

Supernode for GRAFT Network - 2nd layer Monero implementation for instant transactions and service brokers
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Open tomohavvk opened 4 years ago

tomohavvk commented 4 years ago

After updating graftnoded to 1.9.0 version, started to get this error on supernode side. Already tried to remove all lmdb and *.bin files and sync from scratch, but not helped. graftnoded version: 1.9.0 supernode version: 1.0.4 OS: Ubuntu 18.04 x64(DigitalOcean)

2019-08-17 10:27:39.578     7f40b6e21700        ERROR   net.http        modules/cryptonode/contrib/epee/include/storages/portable_storage_val_converters.h:130  WRONG DATA CONVERSION: from type=N4epee13serialization7sectionE to type NSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
2019-08-17 10:27:39.578     7f40b6e21700        ERROR   net.http        modules/cryptonode/contrib/epee/include/net/jsonrpc_structs.h:58        Exception on unserializing: WRONG DATA CONVERSION: from type=N4epee13serialization7sectionE to type NSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
2019-08-17 10:27:39.578     7f40b6e21700        WARN    net.http        src/rta/DaemonRpcClient.cpp:186 /json_rpc/rta/send_supernode_stakes error

What is the reason?

mbg033 commented 4 years ago

@TomoHavvk thanks for the report, could you please clarify what is your environment (mainnet, public testnet, rta-beta testnet) and what are the outputs for: ./graftnoded --version ./supernode --version

tomohavvk commented 4 years ago

Environment is mainnet

Height: 416101/416101 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 3.76 MH/s, difficulty 450691029, v16, up to date, 3(out)+1(in) connections
root@supernode:~/GraftNetwork_1.9.0-ubuntu-18.04.x64# ./graftnoded --version
2019-08-17 05:59:46,213 INFO  [default] Page size: 4096
Graft 'Vela Pulsar' (v1.9.0-a70cb40d7)
root@supernode:~/nodes/node1# ./supernode --version
Graft supernode version: 1.0.4-release
tomohavvk commented 4 years ago

The bug is only when I'm trying to connect supernode to graftnoded launched not on localhost. Please fix it. I want to connect my sn from one server to node which run on another server.