gragra33 / Blazing.Mvvm

MIT License
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Potentional Memory Leaks? #8

Closed M0n7y5 closed 4 months ago

M0n7y5 commented 4 months ago

I there reason why there is no usage of Disposable pattern? Whats gonna happen with the viewmodels after views gets destroyed? I normally implement IDisposable in view an then call viewmodel dipose method if needed. Wouldn't be better to have IDisposable be part of ViewModelBase?

gragra33 commented 4 months ago

We are preparing the next release. The Disposable Pattern is implemented. If you want early access, please see the updates branch

M0n7y5 commented 4 months ago

Oh i see. I missed the updates branch somehow. I'll use it directly instead of provided Nuget package.

gragra33 commented 4 months ago

We have a couple of big features that we are working on. As soon as they're ready, a new nuget package will be released.