grahamjenson / ger

Good Enough Recommendation (GER) Engine
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New feature: event weight decay #54

Closed hashgupta closed 6 years ago

hashgupta commented 6 years ago

It may be a good idea to decrease the value of an event as it gets closer to the expiry date, so that movies that Bob watched 3 months ago and movies he watched yesterday aren't valued the same in the system. I didn't have time to review the source code, but if is not there, this may be a good new feature.

grahamjenson commented 6 years ago

Hey, this feature already exists as the event_decay_rate, from the read me:

event_decay_rate the rate at which event weight will decay over time, weight * event_decay_rate ^ (- days since event)

So an event of weight = 1 that happened 10 days ago with an event_decay_rate = 1.05 the calculation 1 * 1.05^-10 will result in an actual weight of about 0.61.

hashgupta commented 6 years ago

Oh okay thanks