grahampugh / erase-install

A script that automates downloading macOS installers, and optionally erasing or upgrading macOS in a single process. Watch the video!
Apache License 2.0
834 stars 131 forks source link

[BUG] v32.0 - Install macOS is downlaoded, but upgrade never happens, no switfDialog, nothing else happens. #476

Closed adonboli closed 3 months ago

adonboli commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug Using version 32.0, macOS 13.6.3 Apple Silicon, going up to macOS 14.2.1 as an in-place upgrade. We install the package and use the Erase-Install-Launcher script to call the script all using the same Jamf Policy.

Jamf Policy Setup

Package (we donwloaded from GitHub, uploaded to Jamf, added to policy) runs first, then "after" the package is installed, it calls for "Erase-Install-Launcher script" with parameters in the Jamf Pro Script section.

Command parameters: --move --overwrite --OS 14 --min-drive-space 55 --check-power --power-wait-limit 300 --cleanup-after-use

The installer app is found, downloaded, moved to applications folder, then the script exits with code 0. The actual upgrade process never happens, user is not prompted for credentials, startosisntall never happens.

Also, the policy, which is called from Self Service, never stops spinning, never completes from Self Service, but the log is sent back to Jamf.

To Reproduce Jamf Pro Policy, installs the pkg we downloaded from GitHub, then uses Launcher script with specific parameters from 4-10, to run the upgrade.

Parameters: --move --overwrite --OS 14 --min-drive-space 55 --check-power --power-wait-limit 300 --cleanup-after-use Also used --rebootdelay in testing, no luck with that either.

Expected behavior I imagine after the installer is downloaded, and moved to the Applications folder, it would be called and user would be prompted for password, switfDialog would open and we would see progress towards the actual upgrade, but non of that is happening.

Code/log output Please supply the full command used, and if applicable, add full output from Terminal or from /var/log/erase-install.log. Don't post a partial log - I need the whole thing. Either upload the log as a file, or paste the output in a code block like this:

2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [log_rotate] Finished rotating logs in /Library/Management/erase-install/log

2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [erase-install] v32.0 script execution started: Thu Jan 11 16:47:13 EST 2024

2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Arguments provided: --move --overwrite --OS 14 --min-drive-space 55 --check-power --power-wait-limit 300 --cleanup-after-use
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [erase-install] System version: 13.6.3 (Build: 22G436)
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [check_for_swiftdialog_app] swiftDialog v2.3.3.4734 is installed (/Library/Application Support/Dialog/
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [check_for_swiftdialog_app] Creating dialog log (/var/tmp/dialog.6d4)...
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Caffeinating this script (pid=6611)
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Looking for existing installer app or pkg
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [find_existing_installer] No valid installer found.
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Running on architecture arm64
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [check_for_mist] mist is installed (/usr/local/bin/mist)
2024-01-11 16:47:13 | v32.0 | [get_mist_list] Non-default catalog selected (darwin version 22)
  ├─ Search only for latest (first) result will be 'false'...
  ├─ Include betas in search results will be 'false'...
  ├─ Only include compatible installers will be 'true'...
  ├─ Export path will be '/Library/Management/erase-install/mist-list.json'...
  ├─ Export path file extension is valid...
  ├─ Output type will be 'ascii'...
  ├─ Searching for macOS Installer versions...
  ├─ Exported list as JSON: '/Library/Management/erase-install/mist-list.json'
  └─ Found 9 macOS Installer(s) available for download

│ 052-23678  │ macOS Sonoma  │ 14.2.1  │ 23C71  │ 13.39 GB │ 2024-01-10 │ True       │
│ 052-15153  │ macOS Sonoma  │ 14.2    │ 23C64  │ 13.39 GB │ 2023-12-11 │ True       │
│ 052-09398  │ macOS Sonoma  │ 14.1.2  │ 23B92  │ 12.92 GB │ 2023-11-30 │ True       │
│ 042-89627  │ macOS Sonoma  │ 14.1.1  │ 23B81  │ 12.92 GB │ 2023-11-16 │ True       │
│ 042-86434  │ macOS Sonoma  │ 14.1    │ 23B74  │ 12.92 GB │ 2023-10-25 │ True       │
│ 042-58988  │ macOS Sonoma  │ 14.0    │ 23A344 │ 12.87 GB │ 2023-09-26 │ True       │
│ 052-14644  │ macOS Ventura │ 13.6.3  │ 22G436 │ 12.21 GB │ 2024-01-10 │ True       │
│ 042-82952  │ macOS Ventura │ 13.6.1  │ 22G313 │ 11.95 GB │ 2023-11-16 │ True       │
│ 042-55926  │ macOS Ventura │ 13.6    │ 22G120 │ 11.95 GB │ 2023-09-21 │ True       │

2024-01-11 16:47:14 | v32.0 | [run_mist] Selected 14.2.1 as the latest version available
2024-01-11 16:47:14 | v32.0 | [run_mist] Setting mist to only list compatible installers
2024-01-11 16:47:14 | v32.0 | [get_mist_list] Non-default catalog selected (darwin version 22)

2024-01-11 16:47:14 | v32.0 | [run_mist] This command is now being run:

2024-01-11 16:47:14 | v32.0 | mist download installer 14.2.1 application --application-name Install --output-directory /Applications --compatible --no-ansi --catalog-url
  ├─ User is 'root'...
  ├─ Download search string will be '14.2.1'...
  ├─ Include betas in search results will be 'false'...
  ├─ Only include compatible installers will be 'true'...
  ├─ Cache downloads will be 'false'...
  ├─ Output directory will be '/Applications'...
  ├─ Temporary directory will be '/private/tmp/com.ninxsoft.mist'...
  ├─ Force flag has not been set, existing files will not be overwritten...
  ├─ Application name will be 'Install'...
  ├─ Searching for macOS download '14.2.1'...
  ├─ Found [052-23678] macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71) [2024-01-10]
  ├─ Creating new temporary directory '/private/tmp/com.ninxsoft.mist/052-23678'...
  ├─ [ 1 / 7 ] 052-23678.English.dist.......... [  0000  B /  0000  B (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 1 / 7 ] 052-23678.English.dist.......... [ 07.49 KB / 07.49 KB (100.0%) ]
  ├─ [ 1 / 7 ] 052-23678.English.dist.......... [ 07.49 KB / 07.49 KB (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ [ 2 / 7 ] BuildManifest.plist............. [  0000  B / 09.58 MB (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 2 / 7 ] BuildManifest.plist............. [ 09.58 MB / 09.58 MB (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ [ 3 / 7 ] Info.plist...................... [  0000  B / 05.38 KB (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 3 / 7 ] Info.plist...................... [ 05.38 KB / 05.38 KB (100.0%) ]
  ├─ [ 3 / 7 ] Info.plist...................... [ 05.38 KB / 05.38 KB (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [  0000  B / 13.38 GB (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 134.02 MB / 13.38 GB (01.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 267.66 MB / 13.38 GB (02.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 401.55 MB / 13.38 GB (03.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 535.32 MB / 13.38 GB (04.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 669.04 MB / 13.38 GB (05.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 803.87 MB / 13.38 GB (06.01%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg........... [ 936.82 MB / 13.38 GB (07.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.07 GB / 13.38 GB (08.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.20 GB / 13.38 GB (09.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.34 GB / 13.38 GB (10.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.47 GB / 13.38 GB (11.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.61 GB / 13.38 GB (12.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.74 GB / 13.38 GB (13.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 01.87 GB / 13.38 GB (14.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.01 GB / 13.38 GB (15.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.14 GB / 13.38 GB (16.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.27 GB / 13.38 GB (17.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.41 GB / 13.38 GB (18.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.54 GB / 13.38 GB (19.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.68 GB / 13.38 GB (20.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.81 GB / 13.38 GB (21.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 02.95 GB / 13.38 GB (22.01%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.08 GB / 13.38 GB (23.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.21 GB / 13.38 GB (24.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.35 GB / 13.38 GB (25.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.48 GB / 13.38 GB (26.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.61 GB / 13.38 GB (27.01%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.75 GB / 13.38 GB (28.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 03.88 GB / 13.38 GB (29.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.01 GB / 13.38 GB (30.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.15 GB / 13.38 GB (31.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.28 GB / 13.38 GB (32.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.42 GB / 13.38 GB (33.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.55 GB / 13.38 GB (34.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.68 GB / 13.38 GB (35.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.82 GB / 13.38 GB (36.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 04.95 GB / 13.38 GB (37.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.08 GB / 13.38 GB (38.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.22 GB / 13.38 GB (39.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.35 GB / 13.38 GB (40.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.49 GB / 13.38 GB (41.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.62 GB / 13.38 GB (42.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.75 GB / 13.38 GB (43.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 05.89 GB / 13.38 GB (44.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.02 GB / 13.38 GB (45.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.15 GB / 13.38 GB (46.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.29 GB / 13.38 GB (47.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.42 GB / 13.38 GB (48.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.56 GB / 13.38 GB (49.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.69 GB / 13.38 GB (50.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.82 GB / 13.38 GB (51.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 06.96 GB / 13.38 GB (52.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.09 GB / 13.38 GB (53.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.23 GB / 13.38 GB (54.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.36 GB / 13.38 GB (55.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.49 GB / 13.38 GB (56.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.63 GB / 13.38 GB (57.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.76 GB / 13.38 GB (58.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 07.90 GB / 13.38 GB (59.01%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.03 GB / 13.38 GB (60.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.16 GB / 13.38 GB (61.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.30 GB / 13.38 GB (62.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.43 GB / 13.38 GB (63.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.56 GB / 13.38 GB (64.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.70 GB / 13.38 GB (65.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.83 GB / 13.38 GB (66.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 08.96 GB / 13.38 GB (67.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.10 GB / 13.38 GB (68.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.23 GB / 13.38 GB (69.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.37 GB / 13.38 GB (70.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.50 GB / 13.38 GB (71.01%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.63 GB / 13.38 GB (72.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.77 GB / 13.38 GB (73.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 09.90 GB / 13.38 GB (74.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.04 GB / 13.38 GB (75.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.17 GB / 13.38 GB (76.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.30 GB / 13.38 GB (77.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.44 GB / 13.38 GB (78.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.57 GB / 13.38 GB (79.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.70 GB / 13.38 GB (80.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.84 GB / 13.38 GB (81.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 10.97 GB / 13.38 GB (82.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.11 GB / 13.38 GB (83.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.24 GB / 13.38 GB (84.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.37 GB / 13.38 GB (85.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.51 GB / 13.38 GB (86.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.64 GB / 13.38 GB (87.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.77 GB / 13.38 GB (88.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 11.91 GB / 13.38 GB (89.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.04 GB / 13.38 GB (90.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.18 GB / 13.38 GB (91.01%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.31 GB / 13.38 GB (92.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.44 GB / 13.38 GB (93.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.58 GB / 13.38 GB (94.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.71 GB / 13.38 GB (95.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.84 GB / 13.38 GB (96.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 12.98 GB / 13.38 GB (97.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 13.11 GB / 13.38 GB (98.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 13.25 GB / 13.38 GB (99.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 13.38 GB / 13.38 GB (100.0%) ]
  ├─ [ 4 / 7 ] InstallAssistant.pkg............ [ 13.38 GB / 13.38 GB (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ [ 5 / 7 ] InstallInfo.plist............... [  0000  B /  0181  B (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 5 / 7 ] InstallInfo.plist............... [  0181  B /  0181  B (100.0%) ]
  ├─ [ 5 / 7 ] InstallInfo.plist............... [  0181  B /  0181  B (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................. [  0000  B / 01.41 MB (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................. [ 21.07 KB / 01.41 MB (01.49%) ]
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................. [ 29.31 KB / 01.41 MB (02.08%) ]
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................. [ 45.70 KB / 01.41 MB (03.24%) ]
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................ [ 387.94 KB / 01.41 MB (27.52%) ]
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................. [ 01.41 MB / 01.41 MB (100.0%) ]
  ├─ [ 6 / 7 ] MajorOSInfo.pkg................. [ 01.41 MB / 01.41 MB (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [  0000  B / 03.70 MB (00.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 271.54 KB / 03.70 MB (07.34%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 540.67 KB / 03.70 MB (14.62%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 838.98 KB / 03.70 MB (22.68%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 01.10 MB / 03.70 MB (29.77%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 01.38 MB / 03.70 MB (37.30%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 01.64 MB / 03.70 MB (44.39%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 01.90 MB / 03.70 MB (51.47%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 02.18 MB / 03.70 MB (58.91%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 02.44 MB / 03.70 MB (66.00%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 02.70 MB / 03.70 MB (73.08%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 02.97 MB / 03.70 MB (80.17%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 03.23 MB / 03.70 MB (87.26%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 03.49 MB / 03.70 MB (94.35%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 03.70 MB / 03.70 MB (100.0%) ]
  ├─ [ 7 / 7 ] [ 03.70 MB / 03.70 MB (100.0%) ]
  │            Verifying...
  │            Verifying... ✓✓✓
  ├─ Creating image '/private/tmp/com.ninxsoft.mist/052-23678/052-23678.dmg'...
  ├─ Mounting disk image at mount point '/Volumes/052-23678'...
  ├─ Creating new installer '/Volumes/052-23678/Applications/Install macOS'...
  ├─ Created new installer '/Volumes/052-23678/Applications/Install macOS'
  ├─ Copying '/Volumes/052-23678/Applications/Install macOS' to '/Applications/Install macOS'...
  ├─ Unmounting disk image at mount point '/Volumes/052-23678'...
  └─ Deleting temporary directory '/private/tmp/com.ninxsoft.mist/052-23678'...
2024-01-11 16:50:28 | v32.0 | [run_mist] Install macOS downloaded to /Applications.
2024-01-11 16:50:28 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Installer is at: /Applications/Install macOS
2024-01-11 16:50:28 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Sending quit message to dialog log (/var/tmp/dialog.6d4)
/Library/Management/erase-install/ no matches found: /Volumes/*macOS*
2024-01-11 16:50:28 | v32.0 | [erase-install] Cleaning working directory '/Library/Management/erase-install/content'

2024-01-11 16:50:28 | v32.0 | [erase-install] attempting to terminate the 'caffeinate' process - Termination message indicates success

2024-01-11 16:50:28 | v32.0 | [finish] Script exit code: 0

Screenshots Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 5 04 32 PM Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 5 05 08 PM Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 5 05 32 PM Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 5 05 48 PM

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context Behavior seems to be the same on different Apple Silicon devices tested.

grahampugh commented 8 months ago

Hi there, you have not specified the --reinstall flag so the script has done all you ask of it.

Additionally, there is no such flag as --OS. Try --os.

If you do intend to use --rebootdelay, ensure that you specify a value, e.g. --rebootdelay 300.

--move is an obsolete flag except in very specific circumstances of which yours is not one.

adonboli commented 8 months ago

Hi Graham,

Thank you for looking into my issue. I am not sure how I missed the "--OS" vs "--os" part, but I will fix it.

Regarding the "reboot delay", the documentation doesn't clearly state that we have to specify a number with it, thank you for that information.

Regarding the "--move" command, I was under the impression that unless I use this command, the downloaded "Install macOS *.app" would not be moved/located in the /Applications folder. Is this not true? Do I not need to use this?

Regarding the "--reinstall" flag, I guess I misunderstood the documentation. I can use this command to install the new macOS (upgrade) ? I thought it would only reinstall the same OS version already installed?

What do you recommend as my command parameters to use for doing an upgrade to macOS 14 without wiping the system?

If I want to push my own installer ahead of time, I can use this script the way I did to first download it, and use a different policy later with the "-reinstall" command to notify the user to upgrade?

Alternatively, I can push the InstallAssistant Package manually through Jamf, and then use the script to just do the upgrade?

Thank you and sorry for all of the confusion and marking my mistakes as a bug.



adonboli commented 8 months ago

Ok I made the changes and seem to have gotten it to show up, asking for credentials, and then saying preparing the upgrade.

Is it possible to not have the preparing screen show "OK" button? that way the screen can stay and keep the user informed of the progress? If there is documentation on this and I missed, I apologize.

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 10 08 50 AM

Thank you

adonboli commented 8 months ago

One more thing, there seems to be a longer delay for the reboot delay than what is specified/shown to the user.

Is this normal?

I had a 180 seconds wait, once the countdown finished to 1 second, the computer waited another 30-60 seconds with the 1 second remaining screen still on, before it automatically rebooted. I just want to make sure this is expected behavior?

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 10 23 44 AM

grahampugh commented 8 months ago

Regarding the "reboot delay", the documentation doesn't clearly state that we have to specify a number with it, thank you for that information.

Thanks, yes that could be clearer. I will amend the wiki.

Regarding the "--move" command, I was under the impression that unless I use this command, the downloaded "Install macOS *.app" would not be moved/located in the /Applications folder. Is this not true? Do I not need to use this?

Not since we implemented Mist, which downloads direct to /Applications.

Regarding the "--reinstall" flag, I guess I misunderstood the documentation. I can use this command to install the new macOS (upgrade) ? I thought it would only reinstall the same OS version already installed?

The --reinstall flag is documented here. I think it's pretty clear that it's used for reinstalling (that includes upgrading, but can be the same OS as currently installed) without wiping the drive:

What do you recommend as my command parameters to use for doing an upgrade to macOS 14 without wiping the system?

The only required parameters are:

All the other parameters are optional.

If I want to push my own installer ahead of time, I can use this script the way I did to first download it, and use a different policy later with the "-reinstall" command to notify the user to upgrade?


Alternatively, I can push the InstallAssistant Package manually through Jamf, and then use the script to just do the upgrade?

Also yes.

adonboli commented 8 months ago

Thank you for all of your help. I do think I might have found an actual bug. The way I was doing it earlier, not specifying --erase or --reinstall, which lead me to my initial issue, seems to leave the zsh running without an exit.

I tried it 5 times, as part of my troubleshooting and eventually noticed the zsh doesn't exit properly and keeps running. This might explain why the Self Service button never marks "done" and keeps spinning as well?

Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 9 56 26 AM

I hope what I said makes sense?

grahampugh commented 8 months ago

I cannot reproduce that. I just ran a policy that does --update --os 14 via a script, and it downloaded the installer, notified me and finished. The log is in Jamf. Maybe it's something to do with how you are calling the script?

adonboli commented 8 months ago

I am using the launcher script, to run after the pkg installs, within the same policy? Did you use this method? I just do self-service availability for users to run manually.

If you can't reproduce it, then it might be a one-off issue with that device I was testing on.

grahampugh commented 6 months ago

I suggest trying without the launcher script to rule out an issue there.

grahampugh commented 3 months ago

Closing through inactivity.