grahamr975 / EWS-Office365-Contact-Sync

Uses Exchange Web Services to synchronize a Global Address List in Office 365 to a user's mailbox
MIT License
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Internet Explorer-Modul ist missing #64

Closed NGBIT-de closed 1 year ago

NGBIT-de commented 1 year ago

Hi Gramhamr975,

thanks for the extension of your scripts.

I have been using the script for a very long time and it runs quite reliably.

Unfortunately, now when I switch to the Azure application app and certificate, I have a small problem at the end of the script where it tries to push the GAL to the destination mailbox.

The following error I get: EXCLUSIVE: Module is loaded from path "C:\Scripts\EWS Sync\EWSContacts\Module\bin\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll" loaded. EXCLUSIVE: Using EWS dll from Local Directory EXCLUSIVE: Using Modern Auth EXCEPTIONAL: Module is loaded from path "C:\Scripts\EWS Sync\EWSContacts\Module\Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll". EXCEPTIONAL: GET with 0-byte payload EXCEPTIONAL: received 1705-byte response of content type application/json; charset=utf-8 2022.10.19 13:44:55 ERROR Failed to Sync-ContactList for The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer module is not available, or the configuration is not complete when Internet Explorer is first started. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and repeat the operation.

The server is a Microsoft Server 2022 without Internet Explorer.

Do you have any idea? I have now reinstalled the EWS2.2. It remains with the error.

Is the Internet Explorer mandatory for the script?

Thank you in advance.

Many greetings Alex

Translated with (free version)

NGBIT-de commented 1 year ago

On new Server 2019 with Internet Explorer 11 the Script works now.