grahamrow / zim-mendeley-plugin

Plugin for inserting citations into Zim
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 1 forks source link

Looks like you found a bug #3

Open leonqli opened 9 years ago

leonqli commented 9 years ago

File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/zim/", line 55, in func self.func(instance, _arg, *_kwarg) File "/home/leonqli/.local/share/zim/plugins/zim-mendeley-plugin-master/", line 192, in generate_mendeley_bibliography self.plugin.render_bibliography(self.get_mendeley_uuids(), buffer) File "/home/leonqli/.local/share/zim/plugins/zim-mendeley-plugin-master/", line 140, in render_bibliography api = MendeleyDesktopAPI.MendeleyDesktopAPI("component context (unused)") File "/home/leonqli/.local/share/zim/plugins/zim-mendeley-plugin-master/", line 61, in init self.ctx = ctx # component context NameError: global name 'MendeleyHttpClient' is not defined

grahamrow commented 8 years ago

Hi Leonqli, Did you switch computers, or otherwise make some major changes to your setup? The way I store the citations in zim isn't exactly "kosher" — and it seems like I have trouble generating bibs for OLD inserted citations, while new ones produce the expected results.