grailbio / reflow

A language and runtime for distributed, incremental data processing in the cloud
Apache License 2.0
965 stars 52 forks source link

ExpiredTokenException: The security token included in the request is expired #98

Closed olgabot closed 5 years ago

olgabot commented 5 years ago

Hello! I'm trying to run a small batch and am getting a security token error. I have tried:

Runbatch config

Here's the config.json and samples.csv:

➜  minirun git:(master) ✗ cat config.json
{"program": "/home/ubuntu/reflow-workflows/workflows/rnaseq.rf",
 "runs_file": "/home/ubuntu/reflow-batches/rnaseq/mus/20181030_FS10000331_12_BNT40322-1214/minirun/samples.csv"}
➜  minirun git:(master) ✗ cat samples.csv

Runbatch output

➜  minirun git:(master) ✗ reflow runbatch -retry
reflow: batch program /home/ubuntu/reflow-workflows/workflows/rnaseq.rf runsfile /home/ubuntu/reflow-batches/rnaseq/mus/20181030_FS10000331_12_BNT40322-1214/minirun/samples.csv
reflow: ec2cluster: instance launch error: ExpiredTokenException: The security token included in the request is expired
        status code: 400, request id: 072771c6-022d-11e9-8d2f-8bcd100f30fa
reflow: ec2cluster: error while launching instance: ExpiredTokenException: The security token included in the request is expired
... more of the same ...

Reflow config

Here's my reflow config:

➜  minirun git:(master) ✗ reflow config
cluster: ec2cluster
  ami: ami-4296ec3a
  cloudconfig: {}
  diskslices: 0
  diskspace: 250
  disktype: gp2
  - c1.medium
  - c1.xlarge
  - c3.2xlarge
  - c3.4xlarge
  - c3.8xlarge
  - c3.large
  - c3.xlarge
  - c4.2xlarge
  - c4.4xlarge
  - c4.8xlarge
  - c4.large
  - c4.xlarge
  - c5.large
  - c5.xlarge
  - c5.2xlarge
  - c5.4xlarge
  - c5.9xlarge
  - c5.18xlarge
  - cc2.8xlarge
  - m1.large
  - m1.medium
  - m1.small
  - m1.xlarge
  - m2.2xlarge
  - m2.4xlarge
  - m2.xlarge
  - m3.2xlarge
  - m3.large
  - m3.medium
  - m3.xlarge
  - m4.16xlarge
  - m4.4xlarge
  - m4.xlarge
  - r4.xlarge
  - t1.micro
  - t2.large
  - t2.medium
  - t2.micro
  - t2.nano
  - t2.small
  keyname: ""
  maxinstances: 10
  region: us-west-2
  securitygroup: sg-661d7f19
  sshkey: |
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC0vkJqUtvlKZT3abRllnIFDRq2y3QIqPrDtqJwoZUn8By/QeUpZsJ2gLO/SaikpbGHycJN+87KuBfhbgeFNS81s25A2DohX1ANS9mCSh20fha6PSUZNNX5Qg/em0/fkSQJN+GK1gCrAcLzwKTLJI6ETrgGhpK6e5IS+Stk4ZXtXH+Mjqnu/7LAszLsbjlhJhW6c0B+upjjv4YAfMNDFNs8fEgYKLyyc2GlK7PC9EP0rrBJKMfPQ3PohpRHuUYnPNtpDSFHBgXb6MDKnWA1tQIPe5yKluFri5tbNOLDqUd5229VghQXGon5I7ZVst49mYcZom+HGqJ2bY8qU1sm7tSR ubuntu@ip-172-31-26-220
https: httpsca,/home/ubuntu/.reflow/reflow.pem
repository: s3,czbiohub-reflow-quickstart-cache
olgabot commented 5 years ago

Figured this out... had to reset my AWS credentials.