grails-plugins / grails-spring-security-shiro

Apache License 2.0
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This plugin does not support grails3.3.0 #4

Closed githubLixiaoyu closed 6 years ago

githubLixiaoyu commented 6 years ago

This plugin does not support grails3.3.0

andrelbuzzo commented 6 years ago

Any chance to get a update of the plugin or to get this issue resolved? Have been more than 3 months and still no solution 👎

aadrian commented 6 years ago

@andrelbuzzo this is a critical plug-in for many projects :(

jameskleeh commented 6 years ago

@githubLixiaoyu @andrelbuzzo @aadrian An example project with steps to reproduce is a great step forwarding to get the issue resolved. Also being more descriptive about what the actual problem is helps a lot.

andrelbuzzo commented 6 years ago

@jameskleeh Sorry for the lack of info, but with the plugin, the application doesn't start. Many other Grails Spring Security plugins had this issue too, i.e. here:

The error is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/boot/context/embedded/FilterRegistrationBean

The info I've collected so far to the solution:

Spring Boot 1.5.x removes a number of deprecated classes, notably all of the classes within the org.springframework.boot.context.embedded package.

If your application is referencing any of the classes within this package you will need to alter your imports to use org.springframework.boot.web.servlet instead.**

It seems Spring Security Core, UI and CAS had already patched this.

Also, @githubLixiaoyu @aadrian

aadrian commented 6 years ago

@jameskleeh as @andrelbuzzo mentioned in the title, there's no need for detail steps: it's just not working at all :( .

andrelbuzzo commented 6 years ago

@sdelamo, @graemerocher, @burtbeckwith Any chance to help us solve this?

puneetbehl commented 6 years ago

I have updated the plugin to support Grails 3.3.0. You clone the plugin and build the snapshot version locally by running following command from the root folder of the plugin:

./gradlew pTML

and then, you can include following in your Grails 3.3.x application dependency:

dependencies {
   compile 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-shiro:3.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT'

We will publish version 3.1.0.