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Grails 3 unable to bind request parameter to multilevel command objects #11259

Open vineeln opened 5 years ago

vineeln commented 5 years ago

We are trying to post form data as


The command object classes we are trying to bind are as below ...

class StudentEnrollmentCmd {
    MyStudent student
    Map<String,CourseCmd> courses;
class MyStudent {
    Long id;
class CourseCmd {
    CourseDomain course
class CourseDomain {
    Long id

was hoping that it will bind to

StudentEnrollmentCmd -> student -> id (this works) StudentEnrollmentCmd -> courses -> course -> id (this doesn't work)

which seems to work in grails 2.2.4 but fails in 3.3.7 with the following exception

No such property: for class: student.CourseCmd

Here is the test case which illustrates the problem

    void 'databinding from request parameters'() {
        // request with simple formdata:[10]
        MockHttpServletRequest request = buildMockRequestWithParams('POST',['':'1','courses[10]':'10']);
        DataBindingSource source = bindingSourceCreator.createDataBindingSource(null,null,request);

        // databinder & command object
        def binder = new SimpleDataBinder()
        def obj = new StudentEnrollmentCmd()


        // this should not throw an exception, but throws an exception
        MissingPropertyException ex = thrown()
        System.out.println ( "Exception thrown:" + ex.message );

        // is bound correctly == 1
        // the following doesn't work['10'] == 10

Here is the link to full spec...

Looking for some help on how to pass the form data so that it binds to above command objects properly.

Environment Information

Example Spec

Note: we illustrated the same problem in #11245, which wrongly started of as a LazyMap binding issue, that issue can be closed.

vineeln commented 5 years ago

@graemerocher any thoughts on this issue ?

olavgg commented 5 years ago

I think you have to start the courses index with 0 For example courses[0]

osscontributor commented 5 years ago

I think you have to start the courses index with 0

Why do you think that?

olavgg commented 5 years ago

Because we do it with 0 and that works If I change it to 10, I get a null pointer exception.

osscontributor commented 5 years ago

With a Map, that surprises me, but I believe you.

Thanks for the feedback.

osscontributor commented 5 years ago

I wouldn't expect the code shown above to work with a 0 or with a 10.

osscontributor commented 5 years ago

I think you have to start the courses index with 0

I have confirmed that this is not the case.

olavgg commented 5 years ago

Ah I didn't see that it was a map, thought is was a List. sorry :(

osscontributor commented 5 years ago

Ah I didn't see that it was a map, thought is was a List. sorry :(

Right. It also isn't true of List. You can start with any non-negative integer. We have a number of tests around that. For example, starts with 2, which leads to [0] and [1] being null.

olavgg commented 5 years ago

Interesting, I didn't know about that, you're right that it creates null objects in that collection if you dont add parameters in correct order.

For example curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/default/save -d 'books[2].title=Hello' -d books[5].title=Grails Will bind to [null. null, BookCmd(Hello), null, null BookCmd(Grails)]

Learned something new there :-) Thanks

@vineeln I don't think that example you have will work, but you can always bind it manually with @BindUsing


class StudentEnrollmentCmd {
    MyStudent student

    @BindUsing({ StudentEnrollmentCmd obj, SimpleMapDataBindingSource source ->
        def map = source['courses'] as Map
        def tempCourses = new HashMap<String, CourseCmd>()
        tempCourses.put("10", new CourseCmd())
        return tempCourses
    Map<String,CourseCmd> courses
osscontributor commented 5 years ago

Interesting, I didn't know about that, you're right that it creates null objects in that collection if you dont add parameters in correct order.

I don't think it is about "correct" order. It is ok to have a List with null entries and it is ok for those null entries to be at any position so there isn't anything incorrect about a List like [null, null, someObject, null, someOtherObject, null, etc...].

vineeln commented 5 years ago

@olavgg let me try the workaround.