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Little style refresh for default web pages #9467

Closed smartiniOnGitHub closed 8 years ago

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi all, I'm proposing here to do a little refresh (from a stylistic point of view) of Grails generated pages for 3.1.x. ; of course this is a not-so-trivial task, so to avoid breaking a lot of pages and visual behavior with many plugins (like Scaffold) I think we should split this issue in some steps/tasks (and maybe in more than 1 issue, and implement them in the Grails 3.1.x line), this is a sample plan:

In my tests I'm using the new Grails web site as a reference; all code is done without other frameworks/libraries, to keep it simple; stay on a basic adaptive design; make it simple to expand or to remove with another (like Bootstrap).

This is the online version for a revised Home page: I'll put in attach here a zip file containing all (static-only) files to be able to work offline:

What do you think ? I hope to get some feedback, consensus is all here :-) .

The discussion thread is here: please put discussion-related things in that thread, and only development-related things/issues/updates (here) in the GitHUB Grails Issue.

Thanks a lot, Sandro

graemerocher commented 8 years ago

From a UI perspective I'm not sure this is much better, it may be better from a underlying implementation perspective

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi Graeme, yes I know (for best results a Web Designer here would be better :-) , but I'm open to suggestions); anyway I tried to make it a little more modern and update styles like those in new Grails web site. And tried to update other technical details like:

After some tests on latest Chrome, Firefox, IE 11 (Edge), still I have to improve/fix:

Note that all this is related only to Step 1 of original plan (agree that the proposal looks and works good as default), refactoring and other stuff should be done later ...

What do you think, should I proceed with changes (I think it would be a good update, even if not so heavy) or it's better to postpone this to later (no problem, don't worry) ?

Bye, Sandro

admwx7 commented 8 years ago



General - footer

General - header

General - content


rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

I would style the hr with a class instead of styling the hr element itself. Same goes with nav, footer and aside. This way it is not intrusive on other hr, nav etc on the page.

orubel commented 8 years ago

An old trick I use constantly is 'dynamic css' (as I call it) wherein I use another language to set variables in a css style sheet and then output the style sheet using 'Content-type: text/css'

So you can write the CSS as groovy and assign the font, colors,sizes, etc all as top level variables pulled from a config or external properties file and then just call the groovy script as a CSS file. As long as it is understood to be CSS, you are good to go and can assign variables dynamically.

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

Alternatively, a CSS preprocessor, such as sass or less, could do the same thing, as well as adding in mixins for repetitive tasks. However, for styling a handful of static pages, that's kind of overkill. I agree with styling based on classes instead of directly on the elements, though to reduce class clutter, you can drive styling based on class element selectors, be cautious using > and ~ though as an HTML change can break your styling.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015, 6:29 PM Owen Rubel wrote:

An old trick I use constantly is 'dynamic css' (as I call it) wherein I use another language to set variables in a css style sheet and then output the style sheet using 'Content-type: text/css'

So you can write the CSS as groovy and assign the font, colors,sizes, etc all as top level variables pulled from a config or external properties file and then just call the groovy script as a CSS file. As long as it is understood to be CSS, you are good to go and can assign variables dynamically.

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rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

Can we change the green h1, h2 etc to black? doesn't use green headers anymore and IMHO black looks better. Would also be a better starting point for most applications, as most sites won't choose green as font color.

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi all, and many tahnks for all the feedback (a lot :-) ). Generally speaking without using powerful libraries like Bootstrap (or jQuery effects) I think we shouldn't try to implement something like hamburger menus, rollover/popup effects and other (visually good) things, because for now I think that only a little refresh in styles/layouts should be done ... at least for now, ok ? The same even for css preprocessing frameworks (yes it's a good idea, but I'd move it to a later step). Styling on css classes (and even by element id, more efficient, where possible), ok. Change the link in nav bar with Grails logo to make it point to webapp Home page, and keep a link in the footer to Grails web site, ok ? And maybe move it at left side of header.

@graemerocher do you know if we could use new Grails logo instead (are there licensing issues) ?

@rlovtangen +1 from me for black h1, h2, etc , it is ok even for others ? And other (proposed) colors are good ? I just see your post in mailing list, I'll respond there (anyway thanks for the prototype and the help :-) ) ... because it looks very interesting (but a lot of work to do to have it right) for step 2.

@admwx7 there are many point (thanks for the feedback) ... I'll try to update/improve the live version of the page (the same you are welcome) based on your suggestions, like better degradation (with better usage of padding/spacing/available area), etc.

@graemerocher I think it would be good to try explore further this issue, ok ?

graemerocher commented 8 years ago

@smartiniOnGitHub Of course you can use the logo

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

You can include bootstrap CSS only and it will help greatly, especially with responsive support, and allows for hiding elements, though you won't get the jquery support for hamburgers, you can still seamlessly hide elements without that.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, 4:50 AM graemerocher wrote:

@smartiniOnGitHub Of course you can use the logo

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smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi Austin, I agree with you, but I didn't use it only because Grails by default doesn't use it ... and to add by default we should hear from Grails core developers what they think.

Thank you for all the feedback on this issue :-) .

Bye, Sandro You can include bootstrap CSS only and it will help greatly, especially with responsive support, and allows for hiding elements, though you won't get the jquery support for hamburgers, you can still seamlessly hide elements without that.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, 4:50 AM graemerocher wrote:

@smartiniOnGitHub Of course you can use the logo

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admwx7 commented 8 years ago

True, but it's bootstrap or writing your own implementation of the bootstrap grid, alternatively flex-box might work if you only want to support modern browsers, opting for something that offers only a grid is always an option too

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, 4:13 PM Sandro Martini wrote:

Hi Austin, I agree with you, but I didn't use it only because Grails by default doesn't use it ... and to add by default we should hear from Grails core developers what they think.

Thank you for all the feedback on this issue :-) .

Bye, Sandro You can include bootstrap CSS only and it will help greatly, especially with responsive support, and allows for hiding elements, though you won't get the jquery support for hamburgers, you can still seamlessly hide elements without that.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015, 4:50 AM graemerocher wrote:

@smartiniOnGitHub Of course you can use the logo

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smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

@graemerocher (Graeme and even others :-) ) what do you think on including Bootstrap or Flex-box ?

graemerocher commented 8 years ago

Bootstrap via asset pipeline seems fine to me

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

ok, and this would be a great (and important) news !! To better track it (mainly for release notes) I could create a dedicated issue, and then link this issue with that (I miss some JIRA features here :-) ); and later do a dedicated push request for review.

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

I'm not that big fan of pulling in Bootstrap, although I use it myself. More to remove for users that won't use Bootstrap, and we get code that depends on a specific version of Bootstrap which will make upgrades more difficult for users. I think the initial template should be a minimal starting point that is easy to remove.

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

@rlovtangen Hi Ronny, yes I agree with you, a change like introducing Bootstrap by default would be great but too invasive in default pages (we could add in a later major release, if wanted), so a safer approach for now is to continue without any additional library and try to update default pages but without too much/complex changes/effects. Thanks for your point of view.

hakanernam commented 8 years ago

I was quite happy for a while (7 minutes to be exact), now I am sad. @rlovtangen has a good point, but still:

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Generally speaking a lot of us (including me) many times use Bootstrap, but others not, so a good default is hard to find ... so now the real main question for Grails is "To Bootstrap or Not To Bootstrap" by default ? But this is an important point, so maybe it would be better to further discuss with all (in Grails mailing lists, usually this kind of questions need some time and many prototypes to have a stable/approved version by the community), and link to a dedicated issue (and maybe implement it later) ... and for 3.1.0 a safer approach could be to continue my little exploration/small improvement work without it.

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

The real question isn't to bootstrap or not to bootstrap, it's to follow a set of front-end coding standards or not to. Once you've made the proper decision there, it's just pick the most popular one (ideally for clients of your project, which is probably the same as the overall most popular), then follow that one. Any other decision will turn into throw away code for all of your clients instead of a subset.

Most front-end scaffolding tools that have opt'd for this sort of solution went the way of bootstrap based on popularity. To remove the dependency your just delete the line in your package.json (or bower.json in older tools) and you're good to go.

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 4:44 AM Sandro Martini wrote:

Generally speaking a lot of us (including me) many times use Bootstrap, but others not, so a good default is hard to find ... so now the real main question for Grails is "To Bootstrap or Not To Bootstrap" by default ? But this is an important point, so maybe it would be better to further discuss with all (in Grails mailing lists, usually this kind of questions need some time and many prototypes to have a stable/approved version by the community), and link to a dedicated issue (and maybe implement it later) ... and for 3.1.0 a safer approach could be to continue my little exploration/small improvement work without it.

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smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

@admwx7 Thank you very much for all the tip/info, I'll try to use as much as possible. But for the choice to use or not Bootstrap it's better to see what the community say. Bye

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

@graemerocher @rlovtangen Hi, I started to look at Ronny test for changes to the web profile ... but I have a little problem, to try my local changes: from the 'profiles' folder inside my fork of grails-profile-repository, I try to install in my local repository (under the user home folder) with 'gradle install', as written in Grails guide for profiles, but even with a test grailsPublish section configured in my '%user_profile%\' I always get this build error on angular subproject:

No 'user' was specified. Please provide a valid publishing configuration

I'm on Windows 10 at 64 bit, with latest JDK 7 and JDK 8, and as a workaround I just found to update by hand contents inside downloaded jars in my local maven repository (under the folder org/grails/profiles/web/), and I know it's not a great workaround. Probably some more info in docs on customizing profiles and test them would be useful :-) .

Anyway, do you think it would be useful a Gradle command ('install-local' or similar, that doesn't need a grailsPublish configuration block) there to simply jar and copy the 'profiles' folder in the local maven repository in the user profile, to simplify local tests with custom profiles ? Or let the 'gradle install' command work the same at least in local and writing to console that the copy has been done there ? Do you prefer another issue for this ?

graemerocher commented 8 years ago

I ran into this recently too, it is a bug we should probably fix, but can be worked around. See for an example workaround

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

ok, thanks for the workaround for now. Bye

orubel commented 8 years ago

@admwx7 The reason I use groovy to dynamically set CSS is because it can more easily read and work with external properties file (or even internal properties). This can be very convenient when doing things through the backend.

If STRICTLY frontend, yes... things like LESS are better. But if you are integrating with the application settings, setting CSS with Groovy can be an advantage.

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

Not sure why you would want a properties file to affect your CSS, but even then I would just do a file import as a pre-build step for building your less, then you get all the benefits of both.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015, 9:08 AM Owen Rubel wrote:

@admwx7 The reason I use groovy to dynamically set CSS is because it can more easily read and work with external properties file (or even internal properties). This can be very convenient when doing things through the backend.

If STRICTLY frontend, yes... things like LESS are better. But if you are integrating with the application settings, setting CSS with Groovy can be an advantage.

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orubel commented 8 years ago

@admwx7 you set all your properties in a properties file. If the CSS is dynamic, you dont want to have to constantly change that CSS file; you want it to load the variables from external source at runtime. This is VERY useful for multitenancy and other uses. Each site can have it's own CSS AND it's own settings.

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

The same result can easily be achieved through your build process and any CSS preprocessor, as far as multitenancy and such goes. I'm trying to figure out why mixing languages and config files creates a better solution here?

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015, 8:24 AM Owen Rubel wrote:

@admwx7 you set all your properties in a properties file. If the CSS is dynamic, you dont want to have to constantly change that CSS file; you want it to load the variables from external source at runtime. This is VERY useful for multitenancy and other uses. Each site can have it's own CSS AND it's own settings.

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orubel commented 8 years ago

Yes but this simplifies it. You are requiring a middleman to do the same thing.

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

I'm purely UI, just here to assist with CSS issues, as such I don't know how grails works fundamentally, are you completely generating your CSS, or do you have a .css file floating around somewhere with your styles? If they first, why? That sounds painful.

graemerocher commented 8 years ago

@admwx7 I think the conversation has gone off track, we are not generating the CSS and there is no requirement to do that

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

You're correct, sorry. So where we at on that flex-box then? Do you need to support pre-IE10?

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm still working on doing some changes in my fork of projects (to merge later via pull requests); I'll post here some news as soon (and if possible even a live preview somewhere, because to test all otherwise you have to clone my forks and build locally ... anyway I can give you some info if needed) as I'll do some commits but I still need some time, sorry. As Graeme said currently we should focus on improving/update/rewrite existing styles, so even proposals with static css/html files could be good as starting point :-) .

jameskleeh commented 8 years ago

@smartiniOnGitHub We're trying to get this buttoned down for the next release of Grails. Can you update us on your progress?

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi, sorry this week I have been very busy (but now I have a working DEV setup for all Grails and for Grails Profiles from my fork, and I already did a check of initial tests from Ronny to better understand his changes) so I have little updates on pages, but I'll work on this during the week-end and post an update here, if possible with an updated static mockup. My forks are here at GitHUB, so during next days I'll commit changes so anyone could try them even with Grails snapshot.

Update: to better see/track changes, I've setup some static pages in a test area grails3-refresh-styles , so even without a Grails-3.1.0-snapshot working in a local environment, anyone can try pages (we need tests under many configurations !!) and give some feedback. Note that all those pages are generated by my updated Grails environment and saved as static files. I'll post soon never version of pages, the next one is the initial version of the modularization. Be free to attach here link/files for suggestions for enhancements.

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi all, just pushed other initial samples for pages saved from a webapp generated by an updated Grails-3.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and updated Grails profiles ; anything is a static resource at grails3-refresh-styles, so anyone can test some changes with only Browser Developer Tools; or clone my repository (the usual branch for GitHub pages) and try some changes. Up to now I've only started with the refactoring of css files suggested by Ronny, but no changes in styles; I'll do them during next days (other than Holidays :-) ) I'll continue the work, and then put in that area other saved pages, so anyone can better see differences and give some feedback (and maybe test changes before and see of they happens). I know that there is not so much time before Grails-3.1.0 final, but in this way we'll get more consensus (and test/feedback) on proposed changes, right ? Bye, Sandro.

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

Looking good so far! I'll see if I can get some time to send you some actual code updates, but the major issues that pop out to me still are:

On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 7:20 PM Sandro Martini wrote:

Hi all, just pushed other initial samples for pages saved from a webapp generated by an updated Grails-3.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and updated Grails profiles ; anything is a static resource at grails3-refresh-styles, so anyone can test some changes with only Browser Developer Tools; or clone my repository (the usual branch for GitHub pages) and try some changes. Up to now I've only started with the refactoring of css files suggested by Ronny, but no changes in styles; I'll do them during next days (other than Holidays :-) ) I'll continue the work, and then put in that area other saved pages, so anyone can better see differences and give some feedback (and maybe test changes before and see of they happens). I know that there is not so much time before Grails-3.1.0 final, but in this way we'll get more consensus (and test/feedback) on proposed changes, right ? Bye, Sandro.

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rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

With regards to how I have split up the css into different files, all the scaffold-xxx files could probably be merged back to one file (scaffold.css) when we're done. I just thought it was nice to separate things as much as possible now during development to understand the bits and pieces.

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

@rlovtangen hi Ronny, yes at the end I'll merge all scaffold-xxx files in a single file, for now they are good as in your proposal, thank you again :-)

@admwx7 hi Austin, I'm taking your suggestions and integrating in my fork of profiles, then generate an empty Grails webapp with them and add some content (any time I do some changes) so it's not a fast process (and I have little time) ... anyway in a few days I'll commit some changes (from my original proposal and then apply your suggestions) and post in GitHUB pages some pages with updated content, as static mockup; then I'll wait for other feedback (for sure it's needed :-) ). Note that for colors and fonts I tried to stay as close as possible to new web site, as first impression it would be better to have a similar style/look, but I think we are free to change styles here a little.

A little update on plan (based on pages for first proposal):

Last, Ronny said that he doesn't like so much the redefinition of base tags, but I think that here we are trying to update default styles (but stay open for let anyone override in a simple way) ... for example on the green color for titles, hr etc I'll define a dedicated color style, but to give a little more color in pages I think that keep them green it would be good, anyway not a big deal to change. What do you think ?

admwx7 commented 8 years ago

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015, 11:12 AM Sandro Martini wrote:

@rlovtangen hi Ronny, yes at the end I'll merge all scaffold-xxx files in a single file, for now they are good as in your proposal, thank you again :-)

@admwx7 hi Austin, I'm taking your suggestions and integrating in my fork of profiles, then generate an empty Grails webapp with them and add some content (any time I do some changes) so it's not a fast process (and I have little time) ... anyway in a few days I'll commit some changes (from my original proposal and then apply your suggestions) and post in GitHUB pages some pages with updated content, as static mockup; then I'll wait for other feedback (for sure it's needed :-) ). Note that for colors and fonts I tried to stay as close as possible to new web site, as first impression it would be better to have a similar style/look, but I think we are free to change styles here a little.

A little update on plan (based on pages for first proposal):

  • I just updated jQuery to latest stable (2.1.4) and renamed the file to remove the version in the file name, to simplify further updates.
  • proposal: zoom pages from mobile, ok
  • weight for titles is too thin when shown from mobile
  • header, footer, navigation, etc have to be updated, I agree with you: header with logo at left (but with a link to current webapp home page, and maybe with Grails new svg logo) and navigation at right; footer with a darker background and maybe only with a "Powered by Grails" text with a link (only here) to web site (or maybe only here the new grails svg logo); etc
  • the Info menu element is empty just to show a not active menu element, it will be removed
  • more progressive degradation of css styles (as you suggested) so maybe sidebar would be visible even with a modern smartphone but only in in large view; use more horizontal space at lower resolutions (like 90% for desktop, up to 96% or 98% with lower resolutions)
  • what do you think on moving the sidebar at right (to give it less importance) ?
  • update layout with flex-box, I'm not against it but I'd try after other things are fixed ... main concern here is on required browser, as seen here ... I think it would be a good solution anyway, what others say ?
  • a note on generating well-formed css: some time ago I've seen a demo of Compass (or Sass, don't remember) with an awesome feature to generate css directives depending on diffusion % of browsers ... could be an idea for the future, or for generate/check static css files.

Last, Ronny said that he doesn't like so much the redefinition of base tags, but I think that here we are trying to update default styles (but stay open for let anyone override in a simple way) ... for example on the green color for titles, hr etc I'll define a dedicated color style, but to give a little more color in pages I think that keep them green it would be good, anyway not a big deal to change. What do you think ?

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rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

Styling of h1 is probably ok. What I'm referring to is styles like this:

th {
    background-color: #efefef;
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff, #eaeaea);
    background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #ffffff), color-stop(1, #eaeaea));
        filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr = '#ffffff', EndColorStr = '#eaeaea');
    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#ffffff', EndColorStr='#eaeaea')";
    color: #666666;
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 1.7em;
    padding: 0.2em 0.6em;

This makes it hard to style a table with e.g. Bootstrap's class="table table-striped". The default styling of th above will affect Bootstrap tables as well, not only the list view of scaffolded pages.

I made a branch that tries to scope the CSS to apply to scaffolded pages only. You can see the result here: The CSS could be improved a lot by adding some CSS classnames to the scaffolding templates, but at this time I have just changed the CSS to work with the current scaffolding templates.

I have also added a readme to my repo at

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

I think the green headers are legacy from when used green headers, but now uses black headers. So if the goal is to look somewhat similar to, they should probably be black. Looks better as well IMHO.

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

With regards to upgrade to jQuery 2.1.4: jQuery 2.x is IE9+ only, that's why Grails still ships with jQuery 1.x. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to IE8-support now. There used to be some IE6, IE7 and IE8 fixes in main.css that is now removed, so maybe the core team already decided that the default style should support IE9+ only, in which case upgrade to jQuery 2.1.4 is ok.

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

a note on generating well-formed css: some time ago I've seen a demo of Compass (or Sass, don't remember) with an awesome feature to generate css directives depending on diffusion % of browsers ... could be an idea for the future, or for generate/check static css files.

Maybe you are referring to It will add necessary prefixes (-moz-, -ms-, -webkit- etc) according to current browser usage statistics. Bootstrap has dropped custom prefixes in its source and now relies on using autoproefixer (see There is a plugin for Grails 2: Works great with both CSS, LESS and Sass. Doesn't seem to be ported to Grails 3 yet, though.

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Thanks you for latest feedback, I'm currently working on push some changes (you can see small updates in new static pages saved as usual here ; many improvements still are needed there and all the work on scaffold has to be done. I just committed there the test webapp with updated pages and layouts (that I have to backport in Grails web profile, just committed even in my fork of it). During next days I'll continue the work on them, but as you know is a time consuming task, so some patience is still needed :-) . On css precompilers we can see later :-) ... Quick note on jQuery: in profiles there was 2.1.3 already so i only did an upgrade to latest.

@Schlogen Hi, I see that some of the work here has to be put even in the Angular profile (really a great addition, congratulations :-) ) but I think to close this issue I still need 2 / 3 weeks. Be free to contact me directly for more info or to speedup your work if I can help. Thank you.

What do you think on change the link destination of main logo to the home page (as usual in most sites) because now we have a link to grails web site in the footer ?

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

+1 to have the main logo link point to the home page.

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi all, I just committed some changes with first tests with flexbox (really good to simplify layouts) but I still didn't have enough time to look deeply at latest news from Ronny (I'll do during next days) ... so note that scaffolded pages are still to be fixed. Anyway in the meantime you can see static pages generated by updated profiles/test webapp in the usual place: grails3-refresh-styles, for example a copy of its Home Page .

Some changes done:

To do:

References for flexbox:

Tell me what you think ... to me seems that we are in the right direction :-) .

smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

Hi all, other updates/cleanup today, just committed and updated sample pages:

@rlovtangen Hi Ronny, a couple of questions to you:

Thank you very much. Bye

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago


smartiniOnGitHub commented 8 years ago

a little update, as usual updated pages here:

Other updates (2016-01-07/08), committed but still not visible in static test pages:

Other updates (2016-01-11), committed but still not visible in static test pages:

@rlovtangen Hi Ronny, some updates (I think now we are near to final version):

After this, last, things to do now are:

Suggestions/feedback ?