Open bdbogjoe opened 6 years ago
i wonder why on it is using deprecated constructor of SimpleMapDatastore
@jeffbrown do you have any idea on this issue ?
thanks to @jameskleeh, and
i'm now able to able to pass my previous tests, but now i'm facing issue while trying to validate my domain
Condition failed with Exception:
| |
| java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Datastore Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here
joe.Test : (unsaved)
If i add annotation @Transactional(connection = 'myDataSource')
I got error :
No datastore found for connection named [myDataSource]
org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.exceptions.ConfigurationException: No datastore found for connection named [myDataSource]
at org.grails.datastore.mapping.simple.SimpleMapDatastore.getDatastoreForConnection(
at joe.TestSpec.testValidateWithTransactional(TestSpec.groovy)
i updated my repo :
just run gradle test to have these errors
@bdbogjoe In general my advice for situations like this is to use a real datastore.
thanks @jameskleeh , i'm now back on this issue, i'm still blocked with it.
What do you mean by using real datastore ?
Seems we don't have choice :
SimpleDatastore is used, and we cannot change it, and using deprecated constructor I try to override the bean grailsDatastore, but our code (doWithSpring) from tests is evaluated before, and so not possible to override the bean
I spent days already on this issue, i'm the only one testing domain which is not using default datasource ?
I updated my repo to illustrate another issue, maybe same, don't know
if you run test you have now :
i have constraint defined :
Same tests for other domain using default datasource works fine
I think we need better solution than overriding dataStore in test, because in some other places we need to get datastore from application context
i found one solution :
but don't think it is nice solution, any other proposal ?
@jameskleeh In general my advice for situations like this is to use a real datastore. Can you elaborate ? I'm interested in your advice as I'm also currently stuck. I can't seem to find a way to have the same mocking with Domains using a different datasource than the default one.
DataTest doesn't support enhancing Domain that comes from a different datastore than default one. The only way seem to hack the connections sources to make the default datastore create children datastore...
@anthonyMoreira For example if you are using Hibernate, use the instead of this unit testing framework.
i initially created issue but in wrong place
while doing test i have error :
I spent already days on this, cannot find correct solution. One idea was to overwrite method getDatastore but in some case does not work and don't think it is correct way to do this.
Do you have any idea how to fix this ? Was working fine in grails 3.1.x