Closed up-tri closed 4 years ago
A few days ago, 'Animate.css' was updated to v4 with breaking changes.
The difference with v3 are as below: . add prefix to all classnames. (fadeIn -> animatefadeIn, animated -> animateanimated, and more...)
. utility attributes was changed to utility classnames. (ig. delay attribute was changed to 'animate__delay-2s' class )
I'm trying to implement them now, please just moments. ( When done, I'll make a pull-request. )
it solved myself, it's very simple...
new WOW({ animateClass: 'animate__animated' }).init();
<div class="wow animate__fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="5s"> ... some contents </div>
A few days ago, 'Animate.css' was updated to v4 with breaking changes.
The difference with v3 are as below: . add prefix to all classnames. (fadeIn -> animatefadeIn, animated -> animateanimated, and more...)
. utility attributes was changed to utility classnames. (ig. delay attribute was changed to 'animate__delay-2s' class )
I'm trying to implement them now, please just moments. ( When done, I'll make a pull-request. )