gramaziokohler / roslibpy

Python ROS Bridge library
MIT License
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add authentication #118

Closed LKSeng closed 10 months ago

LKSeng commented 1 year ago

This is basically a port for the authenticate function in roslibjs. It enables the example in rosauth to be performed on roslibpy, as well as fixes #86.

Following the example in rosauth, one would call authenticate() before calling run():

import roslibpy

auth = {'mac' : '19d9d2166799f1ffd6fee6379f957502aff8716bfebc8cc8b3bac57ade14441bb9678be89d0a7eec9c81291f854d754d7a4de2278bede56f162c2faeb468c68a',
    'client' : 'client',
    'dest' : 'dest',
    'rand' : 'rand',
    't' : 0,
    'level' : 'level',
    'end' : 0

client = roslibpy.Ros(host='localhost', port=9090)
client.authenticate(**auth) # need for authentication is specified here. ** is used to unpack the dictionary.

# subscriber example.
listener = roslibpy.Topic(client, '/chatter', 'std_msgs/String')
listener.subscribe(lambda message: print('Heard talking: ' + message['data']))

    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

On the rosbridge_server terminal one would see:

2023-08-29 13:55:43+0000 [-] [INFO] [1693317343.325643]: Client connected.  1 clients total.
2023-08-29 13:55:43+0000 [-] [INFO] [1693317343.326674]: Awaiting proper authentication...
2023-08-29 13:55:43+0000 [-] [INFO] [1693317343.329715]: Client 1 has authenticated.

I am unsure what tests and documentation to include for this change.

What type of change is this?


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gonzalocasas commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Thanks a lot!