gramaziokohler / roslibpy

Python ROS Bridge library
MIT License
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module 'roslibpy' has no attribute 'Header' #77

Closed pratipo closed 3 years ago

pratipo commented 3 years ago

I cannot generate a properly built message, apprently

Steps to reproduce the behavior: I have a simulated robot arm in gazebo rostopic pub /arm_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory '{joint_names: ["joint_1","joint_2","jnt_3","joint_4", "joint_5", "joint_6"], points: [{positions:[0.1,-0.5,0.5,0.75,0.0,0.0], time_from_start: [1.0,0.0]}]}' -1 works as expected

i got some code from /tests/

`msg = dict(#header=roslibpy.Header(seq=i,, frame_id='base'), joint_names=["joint_1","joint_2","joint_3","joint_4", "joint_5", "joint_6"], points=[dict( positions=[1.0,0.0,2.0,0.0,1.0,1.0],


                                # accelerations=[],
                                # effort=[],

i had to remove the header, because i get module 'roslibpy' has no attribute 'Header'

roslibpy.core.Header doesnt work either rostopic echo /arm_controller/command displays the messages, but gazebo is not moving the arm

any ideas? thanks a lot in advance

gonzalocasas commented 3 years ago

oh! The header class was just recently implemented and it's not been released (it would work if you run from source). But we're ready to release, so, give me a few minutes and we'll push a new release out.

gonzalocasas commented 3 years ago

@pratipo should be fixed now. Please update to the latest release: roslibpy 1.2.0 to get these feature.

pratipo commented 3 years ago

just to confirm it's working. thanks!