gramaziokohler / roslibpy

Python ROS Bridge library
MIT License
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Delay when starting publishing but okay once started #83

Open iandanielsooknanan opened 3 years ago

iandanielsooknanan commented 3 years ago

Summary. I have a python script that I added code to make it into a publisher using the roslibpy examples. I have a ROS subscriber node that subscribes to the same topic to print the result, I also monitor it in rostopic echo. The problem is that sometimes after stopping the publisher and restarting it, there is a delay until the subscriber and rostopic begins to show to data. This doesn't always happen but when it does its random and the length of delay is random as well. Between 10-30s. Once the data starts to be displayed, however, the data is up to date. My queue size is 1.

Expected Result

When python script that uses roslibpy is started the ROS subscriber displays the information at the same time.

Actual Result

When the script is started there is sometimes a 10-30 delay until the subscriber displays the information.

System Information

Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic. Script=python3 Operating System name and version, ROS version, etc.

beduffy commented 3 years ago

I am also experiencing similar issues, sometimes the message gets through, sometimes 2/10 messages, sometimes they all get through but do not have the intended effect compared to publishing within the robot.