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plot_unsualness script running #68

Closed HedvigS closed 2 years ago

HedvigS commented 2 years ago

In the script plot_unsualness @blasid you use an object called "model_surprisal_lca" that I can't find.

I'm commenting out lines that I can't run yet in the meantime so that I can tweak figure 5 for the ms.

HedvigS commented 2 years ago

@blasid could you help on this please?

HedvigS commented 2 years ago

I'm returning to the unusualness scripts. I know you're very busy @blasid but when you have time I'd appreciate feedback on these things:

doubling up? It looks to me like these two scripts

Are overlapping. Which plots made by R_grambank/unusualness/plot_unsualness.R do you want to keep, i.e. which ones are going into main text or supplementary data, or are otherwise insightful?


R_grambank/unusualness/plot_pairs_unusualness.R I'm doing some minor aesthetics tweaks here

HedvigS commented 2 years ago

extra question. I want to increase the font size on the labels on the sides. Which argument governs this? I don't usually use GGally::ggpairs(), I usually use psych::pairs.panels()
