start parser
end parser (duration : 0.00213122)
start evaluation
end evaluation (duration : 0.000195026)
start propagation
end propagation (duration : 7.31945e-05)
start generateCode
start prepare
start deBruijn2Sym
end deBruijn2Sym (duration : 1.12057e-05)
start L1 typeAnnotation
end L1 typeAnnotation (duration : 4.48227e-05)
start Cast and Promotion
end Cast and Promotion (duration : 1.71661e-05)
start simplification
ASSERT : please report this message, the stack trace, and the failing DSP file to Faust developers (file: absprim.hh, line: 59, version: 2.28.3, options: -lang cpp -quad -ftz 0)
====== stack trace start ======
faust() [0x5944fb]
faust() [0x658054]
faust() [0x761193]
faust() [0x7616f6]
faust() [0x7618de]
faust() [0x76188d]
faust() [0x76188d]
faust() [0x76188d]
faust() [0x6296af]
faust() [0x62de74]
faust() [0x6778cc]
faust() [0x678cfc]
faust() [0x4e3908]
/nix/store/a6rnjp15qgp8a699dlffqj94hzy1nldg-glibc-2.32/lib/ [0x7fbf04e34dbd]
faust() [0x542e7a]
====== stack trace stop ======
I also tried a few other keywords and was able to get the same crash with abs and max as the name string of the slider, but not with select2 or hslider.
The output is:
I also tried a few other keywords and was able to get the same crash with
as the name string of the slider, but not withselect2