grame-cncm / guidolib

Guido project - music score layout engine - music description language
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Incorrect beaming when mixing notes and chords and stems are down #161

Closed arshiacont closed 2 years ago

arshiacont commented 2 years ago

Issue when Stems are down only (up is fine).


{[ \clef<"g2"> \stemsUp \beamBegin:1 {g1/16, e2/16  } b0/16 e1/16 {b1/16, g2/16  } \beamEnd:1 
   \stemsDown \beamBegin:1 {b1/16, g2/16  } e1/16 g1/16 {e2/16, b2/16  } \beamEnd:1 


arshiacont commented 2 years ago

@dfober I believe I have a fix for this (and starting to understand the logic in GRBeams). Will PR soon.

In short: It seems like the Polygon points in GRBeam are set only using the first and last events in a Beam. In the above example, the middle events should affect the position of the first point of the polygon (which by itself will lead to new stem lengths etc).

dfober commented 2 years ago

I have some doubts about this hypothesis : if you replace the last chord {e2/16, b2/16 } with a single note (e2 or b2), the beaming is correct. At the minimum it can be said that the chords interfere with the beaming in a different way.

arshiacont commented 2 years ago

Interesting.. in my fix, once the p0.y is set, I browse associated notes, look at their Stem Start Position and decide whether the initial decision was good or not (based on Direction). This works... but we might just be looking over a bug related to getStemStartPos() (which is the base decision for p0.y).

Or maybe in case of chords the refEvent (which seems to be a SingleNote) is not chosen correctly?!? 🤷🏻‍♂️

arshiacont commented 2 years ago

am looking at #154 right now which is somehow related to p0 initialisation.. will check this hypothesis

dfober commented 2 years ago

as far as I remember and in case of chords, a shared stem is used (GRGlobalStem) instead of a simple stem (GRStem). This might be something to check.

arshiacont commented 2 years ago

You are absolutely right! my initial solution solves this special case but creates regressions elsewhere. Investigating further... .

arshiacont commented 2 years ago

@dfober I believe I have found the cause:

Chords seem to send isEmpty() as true which messes up with GRBeam::setStemEndPos() that fixes positions.

Is that a bug or is there a reason for this?

This explains why removing the chord at the end makes it work.

arshiacont commented 2 years ago

I confirm, after testing that the correct solution is to find a suitable way of avoiding empty == true for chords in GRBeam::setStemEndPos().

I can see elsewhere that this is also mentioned in the code (*). How would you suggest avoiding Empty for chords in the context?


arshiacont commented 2 years ago

Or maybe simply the current definition of isEmpty used in GRBeam::setStemEndPos() is wrong: instead of bool empty = (sn->isEmpty() && !sn->getDuration()); ?

Once again: I confirm that this potentially closes the issue.

dfober commented 2 years ago

Chord encoding in guido is very special. A chord does not really exist as an object, it is represented in a similar way to gmn syntax, framed by empty, the first one carries the duration of the chord and the last one closes the chord with a zero duration. For example:

{ c, e, g } 

will be represented in AR by

\chordTag \shareLocation \displayDuration \shareStem 
empty*1/4 \chordComma c1*0/1 \chordComma e1*0/1 \chordComma g1*0/1 empty*0/1 

This is why it's necessary to distinguish between 'real' empty and those which frame chords.

Regarding the proposed change with the empty computation, I'll have a look as soon as I'll be back home. Did you checked that it works in any case with the validation tests ?

dfober commented 2 years ago


Or maybe simply the current definition of isEmpty used in GRBeam::setStemEndPos() is wrong:

instead of bool empty = (sn->isEmpty() && !sn->getDuration()); ?

Was a bit more complex than just changing the test (this was breaking the solved issue #146)