Closed arshiacont closed 5 years ago
Actually \text tag can take 2 different forms:
You could rewrite your example like follows:
\staff<1> \barFormat<style= "system", range="1">
(* meas. 1 *) \clef<"f4"> \key<0> \meter<"2/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system">
\text<"Andantino non troppo lento",fsize=10.6pt,fattrib="b", dy=18.6hs>(_/4)
\text<"espress. ma ",fattrib="i", textformat="rt", dx=-2, dy=-3hs> (\intens<"p", dy=-1hs>
\stemsDown \slurBegin:1<curve="up"> \beamsOff \tieBegin e/4) \doubleBar
(* meas. 2 *) \key<3> \beamsOff e/4 \tieEnd \beamsOff c#/4 \bar
(* meas. 3 *) \beamsOff \fingering<text="0", position="above">( a0/4) \slurEnd:1
\beamsOff \fingering<text="4", position="above">( c#1/4) ]
[ \staff<2> \accol<id=0, range="2-3"> \barFormat<style= "system", range="2-3">
(* meas. 1 *) \clef<"g2"> \key<0> \meter<"2/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system">
\intens<"p", dy=-5.8hs> \stemsUp \grace( \slurBegin:1<curve="down">
\beamBegin:1 b0/16 c#1/16 \beamEnd:1) \slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamsOff d/4. \slurEnd:1
\beamBegin:1 c#/16 b0/16 \beamEnd:1 \slurEnd:1 \doubleBar
(* meas. 2 *) \key<3> \text<"sempre ",fattrib="i", textformat="rt", dx=-2.5, dy=-8hs> (\intens<"p", dy=-6hs>
\slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamBegin:1
\tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( a/12 c#1/12 a0/12)) \beamEnd:1
\beamBegin:1 \tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( e1/12 c#/12 a0/12) \beamEnd:1
\slurEnd:1 \bar
(* meas. 3 *) \slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamBegin:1
\tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( a1/12 e/12 c#/12) \beamEnd:1
\beamBegin:1 \tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( c#2/12 a1/12 e/12) \beamEnd:1
\slurEnd:1 ]
\staff<3> \staffFormat<dy=-6> \barFormat<style= "system", range="3">
(* meas. 1 *) \clef<"f4"> \key<0> \meter<"2/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system">
\stemsUp \beamsOff e-1/4 \beamBegin:1 \stacc<position="below">( f#/8)
\stacc<position="below">( g#/8) \beamEnd:1 \doubleBar
(* meas. 2 *) \key<3> \beamsOff a-2/4 \beamBegin:1 a-1/8 a/8 \beamEnd:1 \bar
(* meas. 3 *) \beamsOff a-2/4 \beamBegin:1 a-1/8 a/8 \beamEnd:1
I was actually using that mode until I discovered that Closing paranthesis can become conflictual with articulations (or sth else that I don't recall).
This means that the CREATION ORDER is probably important for Guido Parser. Is there anywhere I can see what's the correct creation order?
Studying your example, the answer actually lies in the combination of what you described and also in using textFormat tagParameter when proceeding or following an Intensity! I can actually derive that from MusicXML.
Many thanks.
@dfober I just implemented your solution on xml2guido but it wouldn't work in general. You combine dx and textformat to make sure things come out correctly. But the dX parameter seems to be a function of the Text and Intensity rendered size which I don't have access to in the AR domain!
Below are test examples.
If there was a way to avoid collisions in these cases it would be great. If I use text tag without paranthesis there'll be no collision with the proceeding Intensity but we have the phantom space problem!
Here is a better test example:
{[ \staff<1> \auto<autoInstrPos="on"> \instr<"MusicXML Part"> \barFormat<style= "system", range="1">
(* meas. 1 *) \clef<"g2"> \key<0> \meter<"4/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system"> \text<"subito ",fattrib="i", dx=-2.5hs, textformat="lt", dy=-5hs>( \intens<"p", dy=-3hs> \stemsDown \beamsOff e2/4)
\beamsOff e/4 \beamsOff f/4 \intens<"ffff", dy=-1.6hs> \text<" furioso",fattrib="i", dx=2hs, textformat="lt", dy=-3.6hs>( \beamsOff g/4)
(* meas. 2 *) \beamsOff g/4 \beamsOff f/4 \intens<"pp", dy=-1hs> \text<" sempre",fattrib="i", dx=2hs, textformat="lt", dy=-3hs>( \beamsOff e/4)
\beamsOff d/4 \bar
(* meas. 3 *) \text<"subito ",fattrib="i", dx=-5.4hs, textformat="rt", dy=-3.2hs>( \intens<"p", dy=-1.2hs> \stemsAuto \beamsOff c/1)
How it looks like in Guido:
How it should look like:
ok. A safer solution would be to extend \intens with text attributes...
That would be great.. the subtility is that sometimes text is Before and sometimes After the intensity...
just a matter of an additional attribute
that's done ! It's illustrated in gmn-examples/new-tags-v1.66/intens.gmn
tag seem to introduce extraneous Space in all Staves and Voices of a GMN Score.Adding a
can solve the problem in some cases (e.g. when the Text in an Expressive Tempo Markup) but not in all (e.g. when the text is a expressive markup before an Intensity).See this example GMN code and the screenshot where extra spaces are highlighted:
{[ \staff<1> \barFormat<style= "system", range="1"> (* meas. 1 *) \clef<"f4"> \key<0> \meter<"2/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system"> \text<"Andantino non troppo lento",fsize=10.6pt,fattrib="b", dy=18.6hs> _/4 \text<"espress. ma ",fattrib="i", dy=-3hs> \intens<"p", dy=-1hs> \stemsDown \slurBegin:1<curve="up"> \beamsOff \tieBegin e/4 \doubleBar (* meas. 2 *) \key<3> \beamsOff e/4 \tieEnd \beamsOff c#/4 \bar (* meas. 3 *) \beamsOff \fingering<text="0", position="above">( a0/4) \slurEnd:1 \beamsOff \fingering<text="4", position="above">( c#1/4) ] , [ \staff<2> \accol<id=0, range="2-3"> \barFormat<style= "system", range="2-3"> (* meas. 1 *) \clef<"g2"> \key<0> \meter<"2/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system"> \intens<"p", dy=-5.8hs> \stemsUp \grace( \slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamBegin:1 b0/16 c#1/16 \beamEnd:1) \slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamsOff d/4. \slurEnd:1 \beamBegin:1 c#/16 b0/16 \beamEnd:1 \slurEnd:1 \doubleBar (* meas. 2 *) \key<3> \text<"sempre ",fattrib="i", dy=-8hs> \intens<"p", dy=-6hs> \slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamBegin:1 \tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( a/12 c#1/12 a0/12) \beamEnd:1 \beamBegin:1 \tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( e1/12 c#/12 a0/12) \beamEnd:1 \slurEnd:1 \bar (* meas. 3 *) \slurBegin:1<curve="down"> \beamBegin:1 \tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( a1/12 e/12 c#/12) \beamEnd:1 \beamBegin:1 \tuplet<"3", dispNote="/8", position="above">( c#2/12 a1/12 e/12) \beamEnd:1 \slurEnd:1 ] , [ \staff<3> \staffFormat<dy=-6> \barFormat<style= "system", range="3"> (* meas. 1 *) \clef<"f4"> \key<0> \meter<"2/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system"> \stemsUp \beamsOff e-1/4 \beamBegin:1 \stacc<position="below">( f#/8) \stacc<position="below">( g#/8) \beamEnd:1 \doubleBar (* meas. 2 *) \key<3> \beamsOff a-2/4 \beamBegin:1 a-1/8 a/8 \beamEnd:1 \bar (* meas. 3 *) \beamsOff a-2/4 \beamBegin:1 a-1/8 a/8 \beamEnd:1 ] }