Do not tokenize / process / search formhandler arguments as they are. Leading hyphens cause the tokens to get corrupted. For example:
>>> df = pd.read_csv('actors.csv')
>>> fh_args = {'_sort': ['-rating']}
>>> text = nlp('James Stewart is the actor with the highest rating.')
>>> n = templatize(text, fh_args, df)
>>> n.render(df)
b'James Stewart is the actor with the highest -rating.'
Instead, preprocess FormHandler arguments with{sort, select, groupby}_columns to get a cleaner representation which leaves the token untouched. Use this representation in the template.
Do not tokenize / process / search formhandler arguments as they are. Leading hyphens cause the tokens to get corrupted. For example:
Instead, preprocess FormHandler arguments with{sort, select, groupby}_columns
to get a cleaner representation which leaves the token untouched. Use this representation in the template.