gramineproject / graphene

Graphene / Graphene-SGX - a library OS for Linux multi-process applications, with Intel SGX support
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GSC throws runtime error during signing #2529

Closed dzygann closed 3 years ago

dzygann commented 3 years ago

Description of the problem

Hi, We are trying to run the mumble-server (murmur) in GSC. Unfortunately, the signing step runs into the following error:

 ---> d8747dcb17f0
Step 7/11 : RUN /graphene/python/graphene-sgx-sign         -libpal /graphene/Runtime/         -key /gsc-signer-key.pem         -manifest /entrypoint.manifest         -output /entrypoint.manifest.sgx

 ---> Running in 0c7ad03d5551
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/graphene/python/graphene-sgx-sign", line 4, in <module>
    from graphenelibos.sgx_sign import main
  File "/graphene/python/graphenelibos/", line 9, in <module>
    raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: You are attempting to run the tools from repo, without installing. Please install graphene before running Python tools. See

Steps to reproduce

Expected results

The signing works as expected. We can sign the container if we go back to initial commit referenced in the config.yaml file.

dimakuv commented 3 years ago

This is a known current limitation of GSC. GSC only works with the specific (and rather old) commit of Graphene: 2e737e69f076c60918f87d6829bb769925e75fec. See the warning at the top of the page

We have plans to update GSC to track a later commit of Graphene. However, there is always this caveat that GSC doesn't work with any commit of Graphene, only with some of them. And typically the newest commits/branches of Graphene do not work on GSC.

This is because currently Graphene is still in the middle of a transitioning phase. Once this phase is over (in August?), GSC will be able to again work with latest Graphene versions. Sorry.

dzygann commented 3 years ago

Hi @dimakuv, thanks for your input. We could solve the issue, by branching the last working commit and cherry-picking your commit.

For everyone who is interested:

dimakuv commented 3 years ago

This is really cool :) I will close this issue since this is solved.