grammarware / models17

MoDELS 2017 Artifact Evaluation
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[ramadan] From Secure BPM to Design-Level Security Verification #4

Open grammarware opened 7 years ago

grammarware commented 7 years ago

Submitted by @QRamadan to

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

Following the usage instructions I downloaded a complete-clean eclipse installation as suggested:

I receive an error for the initial CARISMA plugin at the eclipse startup saying " Error CARiSMA VisiOn launcher is not configured." I will look into the installation and configuration problems of carisma.

dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@iovinoludovico Sorry for these difficulties. During the CARiSMA installation, did you install the VisiOn plug-in? There seem to be some issues with that plug-in and we don't require it, so it would be best to deinstall it, using Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> type "Vision" -> Uninstall. From the CARiSMA update site, you only need the BPMN and UML plug-ins (which is mentioned a bit tersely in the instructions).

Update: we emphasized the remark about the required BPMN and UML plug-ins in the instructions.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

I followed the instructions which seemed to work fine, but when I look at the analysis output I get:

Running check : UMLsec secure dependency Check
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
- not in scope of <> -> nothing to check!
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
- not in scope of <> -> nothing to check!
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
- not in scope of <> -> nothing to check!
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
- not in scope of <> -> nothing to check!
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
- not in scope of <> -> nothing to check!
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
Processing dependency 'null' between 'null' and 'null'
Running check : UMLsec secure links Check

This output looks suspicious because of all the null's. Could you kindly suggest how to further troubleshoot this, and what possible errors there are?

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@dstrueber @QRamadan I forgot to mention you above, thanks.

dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim We can reproduce this behavior, and will try to address it shortly. We'll keep you posted.

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

Thanks @dstrueber , now it seems to start correctly. Same 'null' in the processing console as @ahmadsalim , but at the end Saved result in 'example1-generated-result.uml' model seems to be generated screen shot 2017-07-11 at 16 35 25

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

I suggest to change the line of the tutorial instruction from: The results of the transformation process (.uml file) will be stored to the myexample directory to The results of the transformation process (.uml file) will be stored to the project root directory

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

For the analysis part I correctly completed it and I created reports for my security checks. So I only suggest the above improvement of the readme text.

ps: I received some of the alerts mentioned so try to improve the compatibility between the installated plugins.

rhebig commented 7 years ago

Hi, I was wondering about this anyways. The setup is depending on a lot of tools and their versions (Eclipse, Henshin, Carisma ...), which is a threat to long-term usage and reproducibility of your results. What about adding a virtual machine that includes a running configuration of eclipse with your workspace?

dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim @iovinoludovico OK, some progress:

  1. The "null" entries in secure dependency come from the fact that we didn't assign a name for the root element in the output models, so the Fully Qualified Names of all elements are "null". We will shortly add a small fix to the transformation to change that.
  2. The lack of feedback for secure links comes from a lazy implementation in the CARiSMA tool. We will fix the implementation so it gives more informative feedback. Both of these fixes should happen within 1-2 days.
dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@iovinoludovico Thanks, we did the proposed change to the readme file. We'll try our best about the warnings during the transformation - unfortunately, they're very hard to debug. But at least they don't affect the transformation result.

@rhebig Indeed, that's a good point. We could improve long-term use by adding frozen versions of the CARiSMA and Henshin plug-ins to the artifact. The Eclipse build archive, in turn, is very solid, not tied to a specific OS, and we believe it can enable better reusability than a VM-based solution. Would this be OK?

rhebig commented 7 years ago

Sounds good to me!

rhebig commented 7 years ago

I have another question: Following your README, you have 4 examples from the case study. However, there are bpmn files in folder “testing” and folder “src”. Maybe it is possible to add a paragraph in the README that clarifies the role of all files in the submission?

dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@rhebig Excellent, thanks! We added a section in which the main contents of the artifact are listed and explained (will be updated when we add the frozen CARiSMA/Henshin versions, of course).

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim @iovinoludovico Regarding the "null" entries in secure dependency we added a small fix to the transformation to change that. An updated version of our project package is uploaded. We also fixed the lack of feedback problem after executing secure links check. Now the implementation gives more informative feedback.

@rhebig For the purpose of long-term usage for our artifacts, we have mirrored the Henshin and CARiSMA update sites and uploaded them to the GitHub and ReMoDD entries.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan Thanks for the update:

When I run the RABAC: use input transformation, I get the following result:

INFO: Loaded sessions

User Subject has access to the following protected items:

INFO: Verified CHECK_ID constraints, view report for details

No errors have been detected.

This is different then what I get from the instructions, which states that I should get:

Airplane role has access to Notify local authority operation.

Is there a step I did wrongly, here?

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Thank you for the question. It took me some time to figure out what is the problem. I think you followed the instructions correctly. But in the step before executing RABACsec: Create transformation input check you assigned the rights to the Airplane role by copy-paste the following: {(Airplane, Modify_Flight planRead_Flight plan)}. However, this contains a white space between the comma after Airplane and Modify_Flight planRead_Flight plan which indeed will prevent a matching between the specified right to access Notifylocalauthority operation and the one assigned to the role. Please remove this white space or copy-paste the following: {(Airplane,Modify_Flight planRead_Flight plan)}. I will edit this also in the readme file.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan I got it to work now. Perhaps, it is a good idea to mention that whitespace is important in the README as well, if you did not do it already. I will provide the assessment shortly.

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

re-imported the project now i receive an error when I start the JUNIT test plugin as in the attachment

screen shot 2017-07-14 at 10 07 59
QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Great!. Actually, I just modified the example in README, but yes I agree with you, we need to add a hint to highlight this whitespace problem.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan How is it possible to actually view the models?

I tried installing the BPMN2 plug-in, but I get an error regarding the SecBPMN extension which is not available. Due to time constraints, I will do the assessment without viewing the models, but I think it would be good to describe the required process to view and edit the models as well in the README.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

When I run the UMLsec analyses on flight plan I get:

The analysis detected 4 errors.

ERROR: ATSU1 provides {integrity} for operations for which ATSU2 does not!
ERROR: ATSU1 provides {secrecy} for operations for which ATSU2 does not!
ERROR: ATSU1 provides {integrity} for operations for which Flyingobjectmanager(airplane) does not!
ERROR: ATSU1 provides {secrecy} for operations for which Flyingobjectmanager(airplane) does not!
ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan @dstrueber Could you kindly look into the above?

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@iovinoludovico Thank you for the question. Actually, I do not have this problem, but I would suggest deleting the run configuration (run->run configurations->from the left side of the run configuration window delete all the run configurations under the Junit plug-in test). I hope this will solve the problem. However, as I can see from the figure you still able to generate the UML file. Is this right?

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Good question. Actually, SecBPMN2 is not part of CARiSMA. If you are interested to see and modify the SecBPMN2 models, you need to install STS tool from We can also describe this in the README

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan I tried to install the STS tool before I asked, but I did not know how to import the models. I could not open them if I just dragged and dropped them.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Yes, you are right there are some specific steps needed to be able to see the models using STS tool. Just before few minutes, I have uploaded a new file called "projects.exp". This file contains the SecBPMN2 models used in our case study. Please first download this file to your desktop. To open this file from the STS tool select File --> Import--> project--> next ---> select the "projects.exp".

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan Great, I got the viewing and editing of models working now.

I think if you just got resolve the above stated errors, I can finish writing the assessment.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Thanks for pointing us to this issue, it seems to be related to a problem with different versions of the underlying CARiSMA tool. We're working on the fix right now and will hopefully provide it very soon.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan OK, I will provide a preliminary assessment below then.

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago


The artifact represents a transformation (written in Henshin) that converts models with security policies written in the business process language SecBPMN to UMLsec models, which allows verification of specified policies at business level by existing tools like CARiSMA. The artifact is evaluated on a case study, where an Air Traffic Management System (ATM) is modelled using BPMN with security policies in four different models describing three different aspects (Landing, Flight, External Services).






QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Thank you indeed for your efforts and the assessment. For your information, we have uploaded an updated version of our project package that includes a fix to the problem that you have faced during the execution of the secure dependency check. We have also updated our README file by including the following information: first, a hint to avoid whitespaces entries which the case in RABAC check. Second, we added a section that describes the instructions on how to open and edit the BPMN files, and then how to reimport them in the transformation project. We have also uploaded the projects.exp to the ReMoDD repository together with an updated version of our project package. By these fixes, I hope we addressed the consistency, completeness and documentation limitations that are mentioned in your preliminary assessments.

dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Thanks for your review. Regaring long-term use, a solution would be to mirror the current version of the STS tool (available from here) at FigShare. We will ask the STS tool developers if that's OK for them.

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

Yes @QRamadan I'm still able to generate it, so I guess it is a problem of ui. I'll write the final review in few hours.

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

This submission is coupled with the models paper “From Secure Business Process Modeling to Design-Level Security Verification”. The artefacts submission includes an Artifact paper, the model transformation from SecBPMN2 to UMLsec and four examples including SecBPMN2 models from the Air Traffic Management System case study. In this artifact paper the process of using the transformation, and the verification of the generated models using the CARiSMA tool is well explained using a picture of the overall architecture.

(1) Is the artifact consistent with the paper?

The artifacts are consistent with the paper and the artifact paper provided. All the artefacts in the case study are included in the zip file uploaded on GitHub.

(2) Is the artifact as complete as possible? I asked the authors to clarify the documentation in some points, e.g., The results of the transformation process (.uml file) will be stored to the myexample directory —> The results of the transformation process (.uml file) will be stored to the project root directory. The authors followed the suggestions.

(3) Is the artifact well-documented?

I was able to run the transformation and verify with the CARISMA tool following the provided instructions. In the first round I uploaded some screenshots with errors and the authors immediately provided instructions to fix them or at least identified the possible source of the error.

(4) Is the artifact easy to (re)use?

The artefacts are easy to use and install as indicated in the tutorial section of the artefacts paper. The only problem the authors and reviewers noticed is linked to the CARISMA versions so it would be great to provide a way to have the complete working environment, e.g., virtual machine, in alternative to the current installation instructions.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@iovinoludovico Thanks for your review and for your time to check our artifacts. Yes, we agree with your last comment about CARiSMA which is also similar to an earlier comment from @rhebig. To address this issue, we have already mirrored the Henshin and CARiSMA update sites and uploaded them to the GitHub and ReMoDD entries. We also provided instructions in README file on how to install these tools from the mirror files. By this, we can guarantee the long-term usage for our artifacts.

iovinoludovico commented 7 years ago

That's great. I checked the updated readme and I guess this a good solution for the mentioned warning. Thanks

ahmadsalim commented 7 years ago

@QRamadan @dstrueber Thanks for the update, I think that the changes sound good. It would be good if it was possible to archive the STS tool; I do not think it is an issue with regards to acceptance of the artifact if it was not possible.

mschoettle commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to visualize the UML model? I tried to open it with Papyrus but got some errors about a missing .notation file.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@mschoettle Thanks for highlighting this issue. To create a Papyrus UML diagram initialized with the contents of a given .uml model file, one need first to create a new Papyrus model by right-clicking the UML model (i.e., Transformed_serialized_profile.uml) --> New--> Other--> select Papyrus Model--> Select UML --> save the model to the root directory of our project (i.e., myexample) --> Finish. From the Repair Streotypes and some profiles have changed pop-up windows press OK. After that, the .di and .notation files are created. By following the previous instructions, the required files to work with the UML model in Papyrus can be initialized. Now make sure that you are working on the Papyrus modeling perspective --> open the created Papyrus model --> create view --> select the root element of our UML model --> and then select the desired type of UML diagrams that you want to create (Please note that our .uml file only contains elements related to the Deployment and Class diagrams) --> enter a name to the diagram. After opening the created diagram you will see nothing but a blank window. This because in general .uml file has no information regarding any diagram. All you have is the model elements, but no diagrams. Therefore, you have to create the diagrams manually by dragging and dropping the model elements to the desired diagram view (e.g., class ). To do so, make sure that you are working in Papyrus modeling perspective view and the "Model Explorer" view is visible.

Since one can see that dragging and dropping the UML elements to the diagram view manually is a time and efforts consuming, we can suggest another way to perform this task. After creating the desired UML diagram, select Diagram from the menu bar of your Eclipse -->Filters -- >Synchronized with Model. Then all the UML classifiers elements will be automatically inserted to your diagram. However, personally speaking, this suggestion is useless since you need to remove all the classifiers that are not related to your diagram. For example, if you want to create a class diagram, by following the last suggestion not only the classes will be inserted into your class diagram view but also the UML nodes and artifacts which are part of our deployment diagram. Moreover, you still need to drag and drop the missing details such as the operations, dependencies, and associations manually from the Model explorer view. For further discussion about this issue please see I hope my answer will help you.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@iovinoludovico @ahmadsalim Thanks for your comments which indeed help us to improve our artifacts.

mschoettle commented 7 years ago

This artifact accompanies a paper on a novel model transformation from the extensions SecBPMN2 to UMLsec, allowing security requirements specified in SecBPMN2 to be transformed to UMLsec. Once the UMLsec model is refined, it can be verified against security policies.

The artifact consists of a case study of an Air Traffic Management System (ATM) including three BPMN models, as well as a small example. Furthermore, the henshin transformations and Java code to invoke the transformations is included as well as a metrics printer allowing to print the metrics for all transformations.

Consistency with paper

I do have the following comments about some inconsistencies:

pools:2 dataObjects:1 tasks:5 events:5 dataAssociations:4 messageFlows:1 securityAssociation:3 accountability:1 confidentiality:1 integrity:1
pools:3 dataObjects:6 tasks:23 events:16 dataAssociations:29 messageFlows:14 securityAssociation:22 accountability:5 confidentiality:7 integrity:10
pools:4 dataObjects:5 tasks:31 events:24 dataAssociations:24 messageFlows:15 securityAssociation:19 accountability:5 confidentiality:5 integrity:9
pools:4 dataObjects:4 tasks:18 events:11 dataAssociations:19 messageFlows:5 securityAssociation:9 accountability:3 confidentiality:2 integrity:4
pools:5 dataObjects:5 tasks:39 events:21 dataAssociations:47 messageFlows:17 securityAssociation:21 accountability:4 confidentiality:3 integrity:14

nodes:4 artifacts:5 paths:3 classes:6 operations:6 associations:4 dependencies:4 abacrequires:2 criticals:2 secrecyTags:2 integrityTags:2 ecnryptedPaths:3 secrecyDep:4 integrityDep:4
nodes:6 artifacts:12 paths:6 classes:12 operations:34 associations:17 dependencies:11 abacrequires:10 criticals:3 secrecyTags:17 integrityTags:26 ecnryptedPaths:5 secrecyDep:11 integrityDep:11
nodes:8 artifacts:13 paths:7 classes:12 operations:43 associations:14 dependencies:16 abacrequires:10 criticals:4 secrecyTags:16 integrityTags:24 ecnryptedPaths:7 secrecyDep:14 integrityDep:16
nodes:8 artifacts:12 paths:8 classes:11 operations:22 associations:12 dependencies:10 abacrequires:6 criticals:4 secrecyTags:6 integrityTags:11 ecnryptedPaths:7 secrecyDep:7 integrityDep:10
nodes:10 artifacts:15 paths:14 classes:13 operations:52 associations:24 dependencies:21 abacrequires:18 criticals:5 secrecyTags:8 integrityTags:42 ecnryptedPaths:10 secrecyDep:11 integrityDep:21


The project contains the required files and transformations. A two page artifact paper and ReMoDD upload is also present.

For the RABAC checks, from my understanding the data to add (to the uml model) or choose (in the RBAC transformation dialog) given in the README applies to one of the example files. It would be helpful to provide for each of the BPMN files, which ABAC rights need to be added to the RBAC class in the .uml file, and which role to choose within the RBACsec transformation input dialog.

Additionally, it would then be helpful to know whether all checks should pass or which ones might fail.

I do get two UMLsec secure dependency check errors when performing the validation for Externalservices2. If this is not intended, please resolve it.

* ERROR: Dependency 'SWIM governance_ATM service provider' misses stereotype <<secrecy>>!
* ERROR: Dependency 'SWIM_ATM service provider' misses stereotype <<secrecy>>!


Following the instructions provided in the README and using the example project with the case study, it is possible to set up Eclipse, perform the transformations and do the verifications against security policies for the ATM case study.

I have some minor suggestions:

Easy (re)use

The documentation, Eclipse build archive and archived plug-in versions in this repository allow future use. The only benefit of a virtual machine image I see is for (very) long-term use in case the Eclipse version becomes incompatible with newer operating systems.

dstrueber commented 7 years ago

@mschoettle Thanks for your very detailed and accurate review. Comments regarding some of the remaining issues:

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@mschoettle Thanks for your review. It helped us indeed for improving our artifacts. The following are the comments from your last review. At the end of each comment, we discussed whether the comment is fixed (i.e.., Status) together and where a fix is added (Reference).

Consistency with paper



By these fixes, we hope that we addressed the consistency, completeness and documentation limitations that are mentioned in your assessments.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@ahmadsalim Regarding long-term use issue, @dstrueber suggested last time to mirror the current version of the STS tool and make it available at FigShare, please see the previous discussion. We have discussed this with the STS tool developers and they agreed about this. We have uploaded the mirror files for the current version of the STS-tool to the FigShare (available from here).

We also added this link to the information of our project in ReMoDD and to the README file.

grammarware commented 7 years ago

Dear @QRamadan @dstrueber et al,

The Artifact Evaluation Committee of MoDELS 2017 has reached the conclusion during the closed committee meeting that this artifact conforms to the expectations and is hereby approved. Please use the badge instructions page to add the badge of approval to your article, and add the link to the FigShare entry with DOI as well as to the ReMoDD entry to the camera ready version of the paper.

Thank you very much for putting extra effort into the preparation and finalising of the artifact. If any of the comments above are still not addressed, please try to accommodate them before the conference.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@grammarware Thank you very much for the positive information.

QRamadan commented 7 years ago

@grammarware since as I understood from your last message that we have to refer only to the figshare and ReMoDD repositories in our camera ready submission, I have moved all our artifacts to the figshare and the links to our artifacts from the ReMoDD are updated. Moreover, I have updated all the links in our README file.

grammarware commented 7 years ago

Great, @QRamadan, thanks! Indeed, our vision is to try to depend on in-community archival services first (ReMoDD), then on third party mature platforms intended to be used for archiving purposes (like FigShare), and only then on general purpose things that can be accidentally used for archiving as well (like GitHub). GitHub is great for open review, though.