The code below doesn't work correctly, most likely it breaks the side effect system, but based on the documentation, this behavior is not obvious. I managed to fix it by wrapping counter in external:counter = await conv.external(counter - 1).
async function counter(conv: Conversation, ctx: Context) {
await ctx.reply('Please send me a message');
let counter = 0;
while (true) {
conv.log(`Loop begin: Counter: ${counter}`);
const text = await conv.form.text();
conv.log(`After wait: Counter: ${counter}`);
const idx = conv.session.tags.indexOf(text);
if (idx !== -1) {
conv.log(`Remove "${text}" at ${idx} index`);
conv.session.tags.splice(idx, 1);
} else {
conv.log(`Add "${text}"`);
await ctx.reply(`Counter: ${counter}`);
if (counter === 3) {
await ctx.reply('Done');
conv.log(`Loop end: Counter: ${counter}`);
Loop begin: Counter: 0
After wait: Counter: 0
Add "1"
Loop end: Counter: 1
Loop begin: Counter: 1
After wait: Counter: 1
Remove "1" at 0 index
Loop end: Counter: 0
Loop begin: Counter: 0
After wait: Counter: -2 <--- Unexpected after wait
Add "1"
Loop end: Counter: -1
Loop begin: Counter: -1
[Stuck, no more interactions work]
The code below doesn't work correctly, most likely it breaks the side effect system, but based on the documentation, this behavior is not obvious. I managed to fix it by wrapping counter in external:
counter = await conv.external(counter - 1)