Closed MultiTea closed 5 months ago
It turns out that this code excerpt taken from a recent repository using this hosing method works:
import {
} from "";
const token = Deno.env.get("BOT_TOKEN");
if (!token) throw new Error("BOT_TOKEN is unset");
const bot = new Bot(token);
bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Welcome! Up and running."));
bot.command("ping", (ctx) => ctx.reply(`Pong! ${new Date()}`));
const handleUpdate = webhookCallback(bot, "std/http");
Deno.serve(async (req) => {
const headers = req.headers;
try {
const url = new URL(req.url);
if (url.searchParams.get("secret") !== Deno.env.get("FUNCTION_SECRET")) {
return new Response("not allowed", { status: 405 });
return await handleUpdate(req);
} catch (err) {
return new Response();
Even tough very few changes have been made from the recent example shown in the documentation. If anyone has an explanation why this is happening, let us know.
Is the only difference the version of the grammY core library? If so, then it could be a regression in grammY. Can you narrow this down?
Sure, it seems that the import serve method is decrepated, and now use the Deno.serve. While I tried to import the latest version of grammY into the older method, it kept looping on the error I've shown above. Now, it seems to work like a charm even with the latest version of grammY. It was just a beginner mistake I guess.
I've been following the current hosting tutorial as show on this documentation page : Deployment is successful and the webhook is correctly set, but despite following all these steps, Edge Functions logs keeps serving me the following message when I sent one of the examples commands :
TypeError: cannot read headers: request closed at get headerList (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:118:17) at request. (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:571:60)
at get [headers] (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:253:46)
at get headers (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:453:16)
at stdHttp (
at Object.handler (file:///home/deno/functions/telegram-bot/index.ts:20:18)
at respond (ext:sb_core_main_js/js/http.js:162:38)
at handleHttp (ext:sb_core_main_js/js/http.js:122:5)
at eventLoopTick (ext:core/01_core.js:64:7)
event loop error: Interrupted: operation canceled at async readableStreamCollectIntoUint8Array (ext:deno_web/06_streams.js:1074:19) at async consumeBody (ext:deno_fetch/22_body.js:241:9)
Curiously, this doesn't happen whenever I use the decrepated version of Grammy (1.8.3) as shown on this tutorial :
Any help would be appreciated,