grammyjs / website

The grammY documentation website.
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Indonesian Translation Tracking #369

Closed quadratz closed 2 years ago

quadratz commented 2 years ago

🇮🇩 Indonesian


Issue ini digunakan untuk memantau proses translasi semua halaman. Issue akan ditutup ketika semua dokumentasi berhasil diselesaikan.

Ikutan dong...!!!

Menjadi Penerjemah

  1. Sebelum memulai, pahami dulu panduan berkontribusi untuk penerjemah.
  2. Terjemahkan dengan bahasa yang kamu kuasai. JANGAN hanya copas alias copy-paste mentah-mentah dari google translate. Gunakan pemahaman kamu agar menghasilkan terjemahan yang baik dan enak dibaca.
  3. Ambil satu halaman yang belum diterjemahkan. Terus terjemahkan. Kalau sudah, buat pull request (PR) sesuai panduan di point satu di atas. Ingat, satu PR untuk satu halaman agar mudah dikerjakan dan dikoreksi.

Menjadi Penyunting

Silahkan dikoreksi PR translasi yang sudah dibuat. Tambahkan catatan jika diperlukan.


Kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan methods, nama function, variables... tidak perlu diterjemahkan. Berikut beberapa contohnya:

keyboard / inline keyboard
... (dan lain-lain)

🇬🇧 English


This issue is for tracking the translation progress of all pages and will be closed when the documentation is finished.

I want to collaborate too!

Being a translator

  1. Read how to contribute in translations
  2. Translate with your native-speaker level, DO NOT just copy the section to some translator tool and paste back the result
  3. Take one untranslated page, translate and create PR from your fork to the main project. One PR for page, to better split in parallel the work and less tired reviews

Being a reviewer

Find the PR's created for translations and review them. Add all notes that you consider.


Words related to methods, function names, variables... mustn't be translated. Here are some examples:

keyboard / inline keyboard
... (feel free to add more, but make sense)

📝 Translation progress









KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

@CikiMomogi so cool to see you're attempting to translate the website to Indonesian! This is a huge effort that should not be underestimated. I hope you are familiar with the translation guide :)

We are going to follow your progress closely so we can be sure that the translations are of high quality. Could you tell us the names of all contributors known so far who are going to help you translate this page to Indonesian? A rough estimate is that the translation will take 250-400 work hours, so even if you spent 50 hours per week, it will take more than one month. This is based on how much time the last teams needed.

Having someone to review and reiterate is very important because clear language should always be validated by another person to be truly understandable.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

@CikiMomogi so cool to see you're attempting to translate the website to Indonesian! This is a huge effort that should not be underestimated. I hope you are familiar with the translation guide :)

Thanks for the kind words. I've read translation guide and understand that this is a long time-consuming project, should be fully completed, and has potential to be abandoned. I will do my best to complete this project.

For the translation quality, I have some experience translating various applications (you can check my crowdin @CikiMomogi). I always choose the word that are easier to understand and not too technical for my fellow Indonesian out there without compromising the meaning of the sentence itself. Not just copy-paste from the translator.

For now I do not have a list of other contributors. Of course, I look forward to readers who are fluent in Indonesian to contribute as well.

rojvv commented 2 years ago

Hi there @CikiMomogi!

We want to keep the current quality of our documentation, we want our upcoming translations in other languages to be simple, clear, and easily understandable by the speakers of the respective language.

To ensure and enforce a high-quality translation, we need each page to be reviewed individually after it has been translated. To do that, you will have to open a pull request for each page that you translate. All of those pull requests should be reviewed. We recommend the reviews are done by someone else than the one who translated the page, but this can be done by the one who translated if there was no chance to have someone else.

Here are some suggestions for your translation process:

Feel free to ask me questions or to tell me if a point needs more clarification. Thank you for your efforts!

quadratz commented 2 years ago

After I merged into my main branch, I got an error when running npm run docs:dev. Can anyone help me? Here is the error log:

> grammy-website@1.0.0 docs:dev
> vuepress-vite dev docs
Error: Cannot find module './index.json'
Require stack:
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/docs/.vuepress/plugins/current-versions/plugin.ts
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/docs/.vuepress/config.ts
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/config/loadUserConfigCjs.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/config/loadUserConfig.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/config/index.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/commands/build/createBuild.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/commands/build/index.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/commands/index.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/index.js
- /home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/vuepress-vite/bin/vuepress.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/docs/.vuepress/plugins/current-versions/plugin.ts:26:28)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1103:14)
    at Object.require.extensions..ts (/home/qz/development/grammY/web/website/site/node_modules/@vuepress/cli/lib/utils/allowTs.js:11:11)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

You need to run npm install one more time.

This will make sure that npm run docs:index-versions is executed, a script that generates a local index or all most recent plugin versions. (So you could also just run the latter script manually.)

quadratz commented 2 years ago

The error was resolved after I ran npm run docs:index-versions. Thanks for the help.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Regarding point 1 of the following page,

  1. We must have access to the bot object. This means that we have to pass the bot object all around our code base in order to respond, which is annoying when you have more than one source file and you define your listener somewhere else.

I understand that we can use ctx.apiinstead of bot.api. That way, we no longer need to pass the bot object around the code base, right? But I don't quite understand the use case. Can you give an example or source code of comparison between the two?

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

The train of thought is:

Need to use bot.api for every API call → need access to bot everywhere → need to import it into every module → results in high cohesion of the source → prevents us from decoupling our components → bad software architecture.

So the solution is to use ctx.api because the ctx is declared locally in every module, so you can decouple your code and have a good architecture.

That's simplified, but you get the idea.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

After I read some source code examples, now I completely understood. Previously, I had confused ctx.api with composer to replace the bot object. :P

quadratz commented 2 years ago

@sensen: I am going to return the translation for some technical words to their origin, e.g: kueri inline => inline query, penggerak grammY => grammy runner, pembaruan => update (update object), komposer => composer permintaan => request (HTTP request) batasan error => error boundary penyimak => listener pustaka => library etc.

However, commonly used phrases will remain: composer class => kelas composer function x => fungsi x, etc.

I'm pretty sure the readers have learned programming before, therefore they should be familiar with these words. Moreover, the words when translated sound a little weird - at least for me. I want to hear your thoughts on whether this is a good idea.

Here is the sample:

sensen commented 2 years ago

Hey @CikiMomogi!

I agree. It sounds weird to me, too. Possibly because we're very familiar with the English words.

I can't remember the last timeI read documentation in Indonesian language. But if I were to do that, I'd prefer the documentation to keep the technical terms in English.

If you decided to go with this, I'd suggest not translating even composer class or function x.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Can I change the link reference from Deno

to here?

Since the content is the same, I think it would be better to redirect readers to the translated doc instead. 

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Can I change the link reference from Deno

to here?

Since the content is the same, I think it would be better to redirect readers to the translated doc instead.

There are two links in the line of text you reference, and one of them already refers to if I'm not mistaken.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

There are two links in the line of text you reference

The second one.

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Yes, so you want to have identical two links in the same sentence?

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Well, I can rearrange the words to reference the single link. But, I wonder if you did them intentionally, except for avoiding the two identical link in the same sentence.

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

The API reference is always more comprehensive and more accurate than the website because it is directly generated from the code, but the website is more high-level and easier to understand. In cases where it really matters, such as here where messages could potentially get lost, it is often good advice to check out the API reference in addition. That's why I would like to keep both links.

However, I do see the point that the content behind the two links is redundant now. This happened because the docs used not to go into depth here, which was a bit of a pitfall, so we decided to make the drawbacks more prominent.

I have opened #418 which fixes the problem. Can you check it out and say if that phrasing is better?

quadratz commented 2 years ago

I have opened #418 which fixes the problem. Can you check it out and say if that phrasing is better?

Yep, looks good to me!

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Is Node in the comment bellow referring to node.js? If so, does that mean there is a typo in the code snippet for Deno? (full context)

const { Bot } = require("grammy");

const bot = new Bot("<token>");

// Stopping the bot when Node process
// is about to be terminated
process.once("SIGINT", () => bot.stop());
process.once("SIGTERM", () => bot.stop());

await bot.start();


import { Bot } from "";

const bot = new Bot("<token>");

// Stopping the bot when Node process
// is about to be terminated
Deno.addSignalListener("SIGINT", () => bot.stop());
Deno.addSignalListener("SIGTERM", () => bot.stop());

await bot.start();

Also, I don't understand the meaning of both registered and trademark symbols in the last paragraph That’s basically all there is to reliability, your instance should®️ never™️ crash now. I'm sure it is supposed to be a joke, but I missed the punchline. 😅

rojvv commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the report, @CikiMomogi!

I've opened #421 related to that, can you please do me a review?

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Don't we need to import somePluginMethod from some-plugin because we invoke bot.api.somePluginMethod() on line 109?

rojvv commented 2 years ago

No, somePluginMethod is a method that will be added to bot.api’s prototype after the plugin is installed in line 106.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Can somebody please check my PQ? The github actions keep failing. However, when I ran deno fmt --check, there was no such error. Somehow the formatting error was found in another file that I haven't touched at all.

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

This is because of the recent Deno 1.23.0 update. Look how was merged and now affects existing files in all future CI runs. Feel free to fix it, even though that means you'll touch unrelated files.

@roj1512 it would be great if you could push a formatting commit upstream.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Oh, so that's the reason. I guess it's perfect time to upgrade my Deno.

rojvv commented 2 years ago

@KnorpelSenf I don't have access to his fork.

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

You mean you do not have write access?

rojvv commented 2 years ago


KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

I guess that's the disadvantage of doing translations in forks.

Do you need write access for anything, i.e. is there anything you can't do via forking? Should I ask @CikiMomogi to give you write access? :smile:

rojvv commented 2 years ago

Of course I can make a PR to reformat. I thought you mean I just push to his upstream

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Ah I see, sorry, I meant the main repo, but now I fixed it myself in

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

I should've maybe referred back to from #422 🤔

rojvv commented 2 years ago

Glad it's fixed anyway

quadratz commented 2 years ago

I'm a bit lost as to what creator means here. At line 318, my interpretation is that ctx.match will contain the name of the message sender, NOT the creator of the bot. So, the bot will reply "I was created by (message sender name)", correct?

Moreover, why even bother storing the payload if we can simply fetch the name of the message sender directly from ctx.from.first_name.

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Creator refers to the original author of the message, also across forwards. While we could clarify that, it's also a very primitive example to illustrate the feature without much code. Maybe we can find a real-world use case that is better suited as an example to explain this. Do you have any suggestions?

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Page not found at the following link:

Is it supposed to reference this link,

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago is the correct link. Deno changed something in the way they represent their URLs, which broke this link. It used to work before.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Got it! I will make the PQ.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

@KnorpelSenf @roj1512 Do you guys need a review approval for each pull request in my repository? Currently I have approval request enabled only for one collaborator.

rojvv commented 2 years ago

@CikiMomogi nope, it's fine!

quadratz commented 2 years ago

What is (=editor support) at the end of line 43? Does it have a specific meaning or is it just a typo?

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Types give information about the code to the editor. That's why providing types improves how well your editor can support you. Types equals editor support.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

Is the editor here referring to the code editor? Therefore, by providing types, it can bring more information to the code editor and thus improve productivity and make it easier for users.

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Yes, the TypeScript types improve what VSCode can do for you. We describe this in more depth a few paragraphs later.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

CSS untuk dokumentasinya, memang dibuat pakai text-justify: inter-character ya? kadang agak ngerasain pada bagian tertentu paragrafnya jadi kayak A B C D.

Normal spacing:

Too wide (?):

"Does the CSS intentionally use text-justify: inter-character? The spacing in some paragraphs looks too wide if the words are too long". Is it possible for us to fix the issue?

KnorpelSenf commented 2 years ago

Yes, all styles are here:

Feel free to play around with the config. For example, it looks like your browser isn't able to hyphenate Indonesian. This issue does not appear in English.

quadratz commented 2 years ago

SELESAI..!!! :partying_face: Terima kasih yang sebanyak-banyaknya untuk @fadzikri dan @sensen atas masukan, saran dan bantuan perbaikan terjemahannya selama 3 bulan lebih ini. Not to mention @KnorpelSenf and @roj1512 for their guidance and patience to answer my noob questions :sweat_smile:.

npm run deploy