granawkins / react-template

A boilerplate react project for testing mentat preview
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Update to Reflect Testing Purpose #2

Closed eloeverything2-butler[bot] closed 8 hours ago

eloeverything2-butler[bot] commented 8 hours ago

The current does not accurately describe the purpose of this template. We need to update it to clarify that this template is intended for testing the .mentat directory setup.

Proposed Changes

Revised README Content

# React + TypeScript + Vite Template

This template is designed for testing the `.mentat` directory setup. It provides a minimal configuration to get React working with Vite, TypeScript, and HMR (Hot Module Replacement), along with some ESLint rules.

## Features

- **React**: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- **TypeScript**: A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- **Vite**: A build tool that provides a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
- **HMR**: Hot Module Replacement for instant updates in the browser during development.
- **ESLint**: A tool for identifying and fixing problems in JavaScript code.

## Plugins

This template includes two official Vite plugins for React:

- [@vitejs/plugin-react]( - Uses [Babel]( for Fast Refresh.
- [@vitejs/plugin-react-swc]( - Uses [SWC]( for Fast Refresh.

## Expanding the ESLint Configuration

For production applications, we recommend updating the ESLint configuration to enable type-aware lint rules:

1. Configure the top-level `parserOptions` property:

    export default tseslint.config({
      languageOptions: {
        // other options...
        parserOptions: {
          project: ['./tsconfig.node.json', './'],
          tsconfigRootDir: import.meta.dirname,
  1. Replace tseslint.configs.recommended with tseslint.configs.recommendedTypeChecked or tseslint.configs.strictTypeChecked.
  2. Optionally add ...tseslint.configs.stylisticTypeChecked.
  3. Install eslint-plugin-react and update the config:

    // eslint.config.js
    import react from 'eslint-plugin-react'
    export default tseslint.config({
      // Set the react version
      settings: { react: { version: '18.3' } },
      plugins: {
        // Add the react plugin
      rules: {
        // other rules...
        // Enable its recommended rules

This template is primarily for testing purposes and may not be suitable for production use without further customization.

Please review the proposed changes and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to add or modify!
granawkins commented 8 hours ago

try again please @mentat

granawkins commented 8 hours ago

try again please @mentat_bot @eloeverything2_bot