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Why can't I query relationships of neo4j with custom query with cypher using Grandstack? #158

Closed jilink closed 2 years ago

jilink commented 2 years ago

Hi! it's been a week struggling with this issue, I've posted twice on stack overflow and finally somobody advised me to report this as a bug since There's nothing that looks wrong

So I have these models :

type User {
  userId: ID!
  mail: String!
  password: String! @private
  meals: [Meal!] @relationship(type: "IN_MEALS", direction: OUT)

type Meal {
  name: String!
  createdBy: User! @relationship(type: "IN_MEALS", direction: IN)

The relationship is made in neo4j and when I query all users but when I use this custom query for the custom users, meals are defined as null I don't know why

type Query {
  currentUser: User
      statement: """
      MATCH (u:User {userId: $auth.jwt.userId})
      OPTIONAL MATCH (u)-[r:IN_MEALS]->(m:Meal)
      RETURN u,r,m  
When I do this query in graphql

  currentUser {
    meals {

It tells me that meals are null but they are not ...

  "data": {
    "currentUser": {
      "userId": "02e7b50a-1a51-4d3b-b26b-57ed08d89c5a",
      "mail": "",
      "meals": null

I know that by looking into my neo4j database and also because when I query all users

  users {
    meals {

I can see the values in meals :

  "data": {
    "users": [
        "mail": "",
        "meals": [
            "name": "frites"
            "name": "mcdo"
            "name": "sushi"

Thanks in advance and don't hesitate to ask for more informations