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Adds overview of type extension support #11

Closed michaeldgraham closed 4 years ago

michaeldgraham commented 4 years ago

Type Extensions

The GraphQL specification describes using the extend keyword to represent a type which has been extended from another type. The following subsections describe the available behaviors, such as extending an object type to represent additional fields. When using schema augmentation, type extensions are applied when building the fields and types used for the generated Query and Mutation API.


The schema type can be extended with operation types.

schema {
  query: Query
extend schema {
  mutation: Mutation


Scalar types can be extended with additional directives.

scalar myScalar
extend scalar myScalar @myDirective

Objects & Interfaces

Object and interface types can be extended with additional fields and directives. Objects can also be extended to implement interfaces.

type Movie {
  movieId: ID!
  title: String
  year: Int
  imdbRating: Float
extend type Movie {
    genres: [Genre] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: "OUT")
    similar: [Movie] @cypher(
        statement: """MATCH (this)<-[:RATED]-(:User)-[:RATED]->(s:Movie) 
                      WITH s, COUNT(*) AS score 
                      RETURN s ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT {first}""")
type Movie {
  movieId: ID!
extend type Movie @additionalLabels(
  labels: ["newMovieLabel"]
Operation types
type Query {
  Movie: [Movie]
extend type Query {
  customMovie: Movie
Implementing interfaces
interface Person {
  userId: ID!
  name: String
type Actor {
  userId: ID!
  name: String
extend type Actor implements Person


A union type can be extended with additional member types or directives.

union MovieSearch = Movie | Genre | Book
extend union MovieSearch = Actor | OldCamera


Enum types can be extended with additional values or directives.

enum BookGenre {
extend enum BookGenre {

Input Objects

Input object types can be extended with additional input fields or directives.

input CustomMutationInput {
  title: String
extend input CustomMutationInput {
  year: Int
  imdbRating: Float