granoff / Lockbox

Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain.
MIT License
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delete nil or empty arrays. fixes issue of improperly cleared dictionaries. added explicit clear method. #20

Closed lukef closed 10 years ago

lukef commented 10 years ago

set dictionaries. added an explicit clear function

rivera-ernesto commented 10 years ago

Maybe setting the values to nil isn't enough? That's what NSUserDefaults and many methods do anyway (clearing delegates, navigation controller's controllers, text view's inputView, etc.).

lukef commented 10 years ago

Yeah. Setting nil is enough. I've removed the clear method from the commit.

granoff commented 10 years ago

This is nice. How about a couple unit tests to go with it?

lukef commented 10 years ago

Unit tests added

granoff commented 10 years ago

I see the .xccheckout file deleted, but no unit tests added...?

lukef commented 10 years ago

Sorry .. missed the file

granoff commented 10 years ago

Merged. Thanks!